INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE Overview of the outcomes of the Nagoya Biodiversity Summit OCTOBER, 2010 Andras Krolopp - Biodiversity Policy Officer
2 MULTILATERALISM REVIVED!!! Record attendance – (!) to CBD COP, including Heads of States, Ministers, delegations, stakeholders 47 Decisions adopted on a wide range of issues The “NAGOYA PACKAGE” adopted –The Aichi-Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing –The Strategic Plan and its Biodiversity sub-targets –The Strategy for Resource Mobilization “A successful COP which revived hopes about environmental multilateralism after the failure of Copenhagen”
3 LOOKING CLOSER… THE ACCESS AND BENEFIT SHARING PROTOCOL – Almost 10 yeas of discussions, meetings and negotiations – Regulate the access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising of their utilizations (3 rd objective of CBD, Art. 15) – Incentive for conservation and sustainable use
4 LOOKING CLOSER… THE STRATEGIC PLAN –Many months of consultations before Nagoya –Fine-tuning the wording of the targets and missions –Challenging discussions – until the last minutes –The adopted plan provides a flexible framework (to be adapted at regional, national and sub-national levels) to integrate biodiversity into all sectors and make parties accountable for its implementation and thus it is an ultimate success
5 LOOKING CLOSER… THE STRATEGY FOR RESOURCE MOBILIZATION ‾Coming from the Article 20 of the CBD ‾Originates from COP 9 ‾Development of targets and indicators, and discussion of Innovative Financial Mechanisms ‾It was not adopted…. ‾Long, very sensitive process – where the EU and donor countries play a major role
6 OTHER DECISIONS Marine and Costal Biodiversity Protected Areas Sustainable use Climate change and Biodiversity No climate change related geo-engineering activities may take place until scientific evidence is provided Support the establishment of IPBES Cooperation with other conventions Engagement with the private sector Endorsement of the Plan of Action on cities and local authorities Gender mainstreaming, CEPA, South-south cooperation, GEF, inland water, biofuels, Invasive alien species, GSPC, Incentives measures and many more… UN Decade of Biodiversity
8 … THE PATH AHEAD…. Finalisation of the EU post 2010 Biodiversity Strategy Work to start on: –Ratification of the ABS protocol –Preparation of the Resource Mobilisation Strategy (EU / Member States ) –Impact on the Budget Review process –Preparation of the NBSAP´s Upcoming Challanges –Climate COP –Rio +20 / 2012