Faculty IT Liaison Program Photo by jvverde, flickr.com, retrieved
Faculty IT Liaison Program Overview Jointly sponsored by: –University Information Technology (UIT) & –Arts & Sciences and Engineering Information Technology Committee Brief timeline: –Conceptualized in 2006 (or earlier) –Endorsed by Arts & Sciences and Engineering Deans and Department Chairs, Feb –Launched today!
Goals & Desired Outcomes Goals Provide robust & systematic conduits of communication between program sponsors and Arts & Sciences and Engineering departments. To facilitate planning for technology service improvements informed by the goals of Tufts departments. Desired Outcomes UIT & the IT Committee better understand the educational, research, and administrative technology goals of each department. Department faculty better understand available UIT products & services.
Participant Roles & Responsibilities Faculty Liaisons will: Help UIT reps gather a shared sense of department goals through one info- sharing session & one survey of their department each year. Communicate as needed with UIT rep & IT Committee. UIT reps will: Conduct at least one info-sharing session & survey per year with each department. Document & compile department goals and program interactions. Both groups will attend 2 plenary meetings per year (1 per semester).
Pilot Year Evaluation Modification Improvement
University Information Technology (UIT) Services Fostering Collaborative Partnerships in Teaching, Learning and Research
Discussion of Department Priorities As a department, have you defined any strategic goals that you all share in relation to teaching or research? What are your highest priority current and future projects with significant IT components? Thinking about your discipline as a whole (ie beyond Tufts), where do you see it headed in terms of Educational and Research technology?
Where to get help People: –Your FSP (direct support) –Your Faculty IT Liaison Program IT rep (referrals) Pathways to Technology: A one-stop, searchable online resource guide that includes links to everything related to technology on the Medford campus.
Questions, Comments, & Contact Info We welcome your feedback. How can we help you benefit from the resources, services and support that UIT provides? Your IT rep: Name title phone Program Coordinator: Sheryl Barnes, Senior Educational Technology Specialist, UIT Academic Technology