Solving Rate Problems with Pattern Blocks Robb Sinn Dianna Spence North Georgia College & State University NCTM National Conference April 22, 2010
1 = = = = 1 / 2 1 / 3 1 / 6 Pattern Block Conventions 1/4 1/4 1 / 12
Sample Problem Joe and Matt start a landscaping business together. Homes in their neighborhood have similarly-sized lawns. Typically, Joe can mow a lawn and trim all the shrubs in 3 hours. Matt usually needs 2 hours to do the same job. They decide to work together on 5 lawns. How long should it take them to finish?
Rate Representation Joe: 3 hours for 1 lawn Matt: 2 hours for 1 lawn Joe Matt Hour:123
Visualizing the Problem Joe & Matt together: How long to finish 5 lawns? Joe Matt Hour:1 Lawns
Variations Joe & Matt together: How long to finish 5 lawns? Joe Matt Hour:1 Lawns
Combining Rates Joe & Matt together: How long to finish 5 lawns? Joe Matt Hour:123 Lawns 465
Variations Joe & Matt together: How long to finish 5 lawns? Joe Matt Hour:1 23 Lawns 456
Revisiting the Algebra: Rates Joe: 3 hours for 1 lawn Matt: 2 hours for 1 lawn Joe Matt Hour:123 Joe’s rate: R J = 1 / 3 Matt’s rate: R M = 1 / 2
Revisiting: Combined Rates Joe Matt 1 Hour Joe and Matt combined: Hourly rate is R = R J + R M = 5 / 6
Revisiting: Setup and Solution At 5 / 6 lawns per hour, how many hours for 5 lawns? Hour:1 2 Lawns … (R J + R M )h = 5 5 / 6 h = 5 h = 6
Extending the Reasoning Maria and Dusti are decorating the gym with helium balloons. Maria can inflate and tie off 2 balloons every 3 minutes. Dusti requires 2 minutes to finish 1 balloon. Working together, how long will it take them have a batch of 35 balloons ready?
Rate Setup Maria: 2 balloons every 3 minutes Dusti: 2 minutes for 1 balloon. Maria Dusti Minute:123
From Concrete to Abstract Maria Dusti Minute: Goal: 35 balloons Rate: 1 1 / 6 per minute 6 min 7 balloons 30 min 35 balloons 7 / 6 m = 35 m = 30 minutes
Extending & Generalizing Progression: Situations with fractional answer (e.g., 7½ minutes) Change of question: “How many lawns could they mow in 9 hours?” Situations with fractions that don’t lend themselves to pattern blocks Students draw their own pictures
Does This Technique “Work”? Research Design Control: Classes received traditional procedural instruction only (n = 26) Experimental: Classes used manipulative discovery technique (n = 49) Data Collection Pre-test Post-test (immediately after instruction) Retest (6 weeks after instruction)
Results Gains are defined as improvement from pre-test Scores are out of 30 points total 3 items each scored with 10-point scoring rubric Results were encouraging, but not statistically significant
Final Notes Mitigating Factors Relatively small samples Very limited instruction time (1 class period) Not enough time for full discovery Insufficient followup: generalizing, formalizing Our Interpretation Method shows potential, especially to improve long-term outcomes A better trial is warranted
Instructional Strategy Ensure students are familiar with pattern blocks Pose a combined rate problem and suggest modeling the problem with pattern blocks Guided discovery