Equal Partitioning Unit of Study: Geometry and Fractions Global Concept Guide: 3 of 3
Content Development Children are probably familiar with equal parts in the following situations… Splitting the last piece of dessert Cutting a sandwich into equal parts Sharing a pizza equally with friends Discuss these examples to connect the concept of equal parts to their lives. Can also connect to measurement example: 12 inches partitions a foot into equal parts. This GCG will help students build conceptual foundation for fractions in later grades.
Day 1 A good portion of this day’s lesson should be spent with the students using manipulatives to determine how many squares will fit into different rectangles. Where students’ are partitioning the rectangles into smaller squares. Go Math lesson 11.6 may be used on this day. It is important to give student the opportunity to partition rectangles on paper as well as with manipulatives.
Day 2 The focus of this day is for students to partition shapes into halves, thirds, and fourths. To build students conceptual understanding give them opportunities to use pattern blocks and folding paper to partition shapes into halves, thirds, and fourths. It is important to model precise vocabulary and to insist that students use precise vocabulary to ensure that they develop an understanding of halves, thirds, and fourths. Go Math lesson 11.7 may be used on this day. Refer to the GCG lesson ideas to obtain the essentials of the lesson.
Day 3 The focus of this day is for students to partition shapes into halves, thirds, and fourths and recognize that when partitioned that they represent equal parts of the whole. Exposing students to examples and non-examples of halves, thirds, and fourths will build their understanding that it has to be equal parts. Example: Non-exampleExample Go Math lesson 11.8 may be used on this day. Refer to GCG for the essential components of this lesson.
Day 4 This day is focusing on having students understand that when something is partitioned in half that 2-equal parts make the whole, thirds that 3-equal parts make the whole, and fourths that 4-equal parts make the whole. The Shape Puzzle listed on the GCGs under lesson ideas may be used on this day. Go Math lesson 11.9 may be used on this day. Refer to the GCG for the essential components of the lesson.
Day 5 This day is focused on using a diagram to solve word problems involving partitioning shapes. Go Math lesson should be used on this day. It has several appropriate word problems to give to students. Refer to the GCG for the essential components of the lesson.
Enrich/Reteach/Intervention Reteach book p. R104, R105 or E105, R106, R107, R108; ELL Language Support TE p. 537B, 541B, Enrich TE p. 533B, Enrich book p. E104, E106, E107, E108