Coregistration and Spatial Normalisation Ana Saraiva Britt Hoffland
(Co-registration and) Spatial Overview Motion correction Smoothing kernel (Co-registration and) Spatial normalisation Standard template fMRI time-series Statistical Parametric Map General Linear Model Design matrix Parameter Estimates
Between modality co-registration PET T1 MRI Refers to any method for realigning images, like realignment for motor correction (last week), however we can also realign images from two different modalities like combining morphological information assessed by MRI with functional information of for example PET
Why is between-modality co-registration useful? Significant advantages in research and clinical settings Co-registration maximizes the mutual information between two images clinical setting: anatomical identification (MRI) with local pathologies (PET), compensation for atrophy research: better anatomical identification of local areas, normalisation benefits from high-res images
Principles of co-registration Registration Transformation 6 Parameters for motion correction When several images of the same subject are acquired it is useful to have them al in register; image registration involves estimating a set of parameters describing a spatial transformation that best matches these images (and then resampling according to determined transformation parameters)
Different for between-modality coregistration Shape Signal intensities EPI T2 T1 Transm PD PET However with between-modality coregistration we cannot simply mimise the differences between different images because of the different shape and signal intensities (relative intensities of grey/white matter vary between functional and structural, no voxel to voxel match, no simple subtraction signal intensities)
Between modality registration Manually (homologous landmarks) I via templates II mutual information Manual identification of homologous landmarks in both images (time consuming, requires degree of experience, subjective)
Via Templates 12 parameter affine transformations Templates conform to the same anatomical space Simultaneous registration Both images are simultaneously registered to their corresponding template (templates conform to the same anatomical space) using 12 parameter affine transformations Affine transformation is a linear transformation followed by a translation ax+b
1. Affine Registration 12 parameter affine transform 3 translations 3 rotations 3 zooms 3 shears Fits overall shape and size Algorithm simultaneously minimises Mean-squared difference between template and source image Squared distance between parameters and their expected values (regularisation) However, while the images are both realigned to their corresponding template, only the 6 rigid body transformation parameters (bold on the screen: 3 translations and 3 rotations) are allowed between these two registrations
However… Image MRI Template MRI Scaling/shearing parameters Rigid body transformation parameters Image PET Template PET However… only the rigid body transformation parameters are allowed to differ… because we now know the rigid body parameters for image MRI to fit template MRI and image PET to template PET AND because the template confirm to the same anatomical space we now know the rigid body mappings between the MRI and PET image
2. Segmentation Partition in GM, WM, CSF Priors: Image: Brain/skull Images consists of number of disctinct tissue types (clusters) from which every voxel has been drawn, intensities of these voxels belong to one of these clusters and confirm to a multivariate normal distribution (generalization of the one-dimensional normal distribution to higher dimensions) Therefore we overlay these images on probability images (images from a largen number of subjects segmented in GM, WM, CSF normalized in same space using affine transformations) this gives us the a priori probability of a voxel being GM, WM or CSF
Registration of partitions Grey and white matter partitions are registered using a rigid body transformation, Simultaneously minimise sum of squared difference…
Between Modality Coregistration: II. Mutual Information PET T1 MRI
Co-registration in SPM
Co-registration in SPM Make selection NB Why would you reslice? What does this mean? Explains each option
Template: image that remains stationary Image that is ‘jiggled about’ to match template Defaults used by SPM for estimating the match, including Normalised Mutual Information Run Reslice options: choose from the menu for each of the three options (usually just defaults)
Spatial Normalisation
fMRI pre-processing sequence Realignment Motion correction: Adjust for movement between slices Coregistration Overlay structural and functional images: Link functional scans to anatomical scan Normalisation Warp images to fit to a standard template brain Smoothing To increase signal-to-noise ratio Extras (optional) Slice timing correction; unwarping
What is spatial normalisation? Establishes a one-to-one correspondence between the brains of different individuals by matching each subject to a standard template Allows: Signal averaging across subjects Determination of what happens generically over individuals Identify commonalities and differences between groups (e.g. patients vs. healthy individuals) Advantages: Activation sites can be reported according to their Euclidian coordinates within a standard space (e.g. MNI or Tailarach & Tournoux, 1988) Increases statistical power It mainly concerns with mapping a single subjects brain image into a standard space – the brain of a subject is transformed to better match the brain or another subject or template Allows for generalising findings to a population level Make results from different studies comparable by aligning them to standard space e.g. The T&T convention, using the MNI template The MNI template follows the convention of T&T, but doesn’t match the particular brain SPM 96 and later use standard brains from the Montreal Neurological Institute. The MNI defined a new standard brain by using a large series of MRI scans on normal controls. The current standard MNI template is the ICBM152, which is the average of 152 normal MRI scans that have been matched to the MNI305 using a 9 parameter affine transform Montreal Neurological Institute
Methods of registering images Label-based Identifies homologous features (points, lines and surfaces) in the image and template and finds the transformations that best superimpose them Limitations: few identifiable features; features can be identified manually (time consuming & subjective) Non-label based (aka intensity based) Identifies a spatial transformation that optimizes some voxel-similarity between a source and image measure by: Minimising the sum of squared differences between the object and template image Maximising correlation coefficient between the images. Limitation: susceptible to poor starting estimates - Registering images of different subjects into roughly the same coordinate system, where the co-ordinate system is defined by a template image Methods can be divided into 2 categories Once labels are identified, the spatial transformation can be effected by bringing the homologies together For this matching criterion to be successful, the template is a warped version of the image – that is, there must be a correspondence in the grey levels of the different tissue types between the image and template
Spatial Normalisation in SPM 2 steps involved in registering any pair of images: Linear registration - 12-parameter affine transformation – accounts for major differences in head shape and position Nonlinear registration – warping – accounts for smaller-scale anatomical differences Registration – determines the parameters describing a transformation Transformation – transforms one of the images according to the set of determined parameters
Priors/Constraints Both linear and non-linear registrations use prior knowledge of the variability of the head and size to determine constraints Priors/constraints are calculated using estimators such as the maximum a posteriori (MAP) or the minimum variance estimate (MVE) In order to transform an image to the same space, constraints are necessary otherwise it would be possible to transform any image such that it matches another exactly which would not represent the true shape of the brain MAP estimates work by estimating the optimum coefficients for a set of bases, by minimizing the sum of squared differences between the template and source image, while simultaneously minimizing the deviation of the transformation from its expected value. Constraints and priors smooth out the image You don’t want voxels to be all over the place therefore you need to set some constraints beforehand
Step 1 – Affine transformation (Linear) Aim: to fit the source image f to a template image g, using a 12-parameter affine transformation Performed automatically by minimizing squared distance between parameters and expected values 12 parameters = 3 translations and 3 rotations (rigid-body) + 3 shears and 3 zooms Accounts for overall shape, size, position and orientation rotation sheer The first step in registering images from different subjects involves determining the optimum12 parameter affine transformation. Affine registration matches positions and sizes of images. Zooms and shears are needed to register heads of different shapes and sizes. Prior knowledge of the variability of head sizes is included within a Bayesian framework in order to increase the robustness and accuracy of the method. Given the small number of parameters, it doesn’t allow every feature to be matched exactly but it allows a global shape of the head to be modelled translation zoom
Step 2 – Warping (non-linear) Corrects gross differences in head shapes that cannot be accounted for by the affine transformation Warps are modelled by linear combinations of smooth discrete cosine transform basis functions Uses relatively small number of parameters (approx. 1000) Deformations transform the image to the space Assumes that the image has already been approximately registered with the template according to a twelve-parameter affine registration. But not as little as 12-parameter affine transformation
Non-linear basis functions Deformations are modelled with a linear combination of non-linear basis functions
Over-fitting Affine registration (linear) Template Regularisation – necessary so that nonlinear registration does not introduce unnecessary deformations Ensures voxels stay close to their neighbours Affine registration (linear) Template Without regularization in the nonlinear registration, it is possible to introduce unnecessary deformations that only reduce the residual sum of squares by a tiny amount. This could potentially make the algorithm very unstable. Regularization is achieved by minimizing the sum of squared difference between the template and the warped image, while simultaneously minimizing some function of the deformation field. Non-linear registration without regularisation Non-linear registration with regularisation
Limitations Difficult to attempt exact structural matches between subjects, due to individual anatomical differences Even if anatomical areas were exactly matched, it does not mean functionally homologous areas are matched too This is particularly problematic in patient studies with lesioned brains Solution: To correct gross differences followed by spatial smoothing of normalised images… Aim: To warp the images to match functionally homologous regions from different subjects we don’t know the extent to which individuals may vary in their structure-function relationships.
Normalisation in SPM Calculates warps needed to get from your selected images – saves in sn.mat file Estimate will calculate what warps are needed to get from your selected image to the template, and will generate a file containing these images ending in “sn.mat”. Estimate and Write will do the same, and then apply these warps to your selected image, producing a new image file with the same filename, but with an additional “w” at the front (standing for “warped”). Note that you can select multiple images to apply the warps to – so that you can normalize a set of coregistered images in one step. Write can be used if you already have your specified sn.mat file from previously normalized data
Select the image that will be matched to the template Select image(s) to be warped using the sn.mat calculated from the Source Image Select SPM template Select voxel sizes for warped output images
References Ashburner & Friston – Spatial Normalisation Using Basis Functions, Chapter 3, Human Brain Function, 2nd Ed Ashburner & Friston – Nonlinear Spatial Normalisation Using Basis Functions, Human Brain Mapping, 1999 Ashburner & Friston - Multimodal image coregistration and partitioning--a unified framework, Neuroimage, 1997 MFD slides from previous years