Welcome to KR & to 9 th Grade English! Please find your seat, sit down and begin reading over the syllabus. Highlight or star the 5 things that you think are MOST important for you to know!
Notecards Side 1: Your Name is written Please write the name you would like me to call you if it is different than what is on the card. Side 2: Four Quadrants: Favorite music Favorite food In 5 years I hope… If I had a million dollars…
We are your teachers Ms. StofletMs. Turk
Born: Milwaukee, WI Grew Up: Puyallup, WA High School: Rogers (Puyallup, WA) College: EWU KR Diving Coach Gymnastics Coach Kentlake Go EAGS!!!!
Pure Barre Fitness Broken down Car Las Vegas Silverwood
A lil about Mrs. Turk Grew up in Houston, Texas; has lived in Bachelors of Arts from TCU in English & Art History. Masters of Secondary Education from TCU. 15 years teaching experience, private, public, 8 th grade through university (USC & TCU). My Family: Husband; Daughter, Hannah, a college Freshman at TCU; Son, Luke a 7 th grader at Northwood; Bassett Hound named “Rowdy.”
Ms. Turk’s Summer: Lots of Baseball! Fort Worth, Texas San Diego, California Disney Land Fort Worth, again!
The best way to reach US: Ms. Stoflet 109 & A27 wa.us wa.us We both have 3 rd period planning and first lunch Ms. Turk 109 Denise.Poindexter- Denise.Poindexter- Check my website for info: d/KR/ d/KR/
Expectations Follow the KR Way Kindness Pride Responsibility
Expectations: Come to class prepared every day (laptop fully charged, homework & supplies). Enter the classroom quietly. Be seated – do not wander around room. DMA - Daily Mini Assignment – complete this quietly in your spiral during the first 5 minutes of class.
Expectations: All cell phones must be put away at all times. I will write up a referral if I see your phone or electronic device and you will receive a 2 hour detention.
Expectations: Please no food, gum, candy, or drinks, ONLY water.
Restroom Expectations: Follow 10/10 Rule Please do not interrupt instruction to go to the RR. Please wait until independent work time to request.
If expectations are not met: or phone call to parents Student Discipline Referral = 1 – 2 hours detention.
WHEN expectation ARE met: We can have a lot more fun. We can do interactive projects. We can give you more freedom. We can listen to music
What will we do in here? First Semester Short Story Unit Intro to MLA format Expository Writing Unit Poetry Unit The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
What will we do in here? Second semester: Research Paper in MLA format Persuasive Speech Narrative Writing Novel Unit
How will I be graded? Formative Work 20% (daily work, homework, quizzes, first drafts) Summative Work 80% (tests, final drafts of papers, projects, presentations)
What if I am sick? A student has as many days as he/she was absent to make up work. The student is responsible for finding out what he/she missed. works great to find out what you missed for the day(s) you are gone.
Missing Formative Work If you do not turn in a formative assignment when it is due you will be referred to Learning Lab. Learning Lab is in this room (109) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:20-3:30. At the end of the unit any assignments not turned in will become a permanent ZERO.
Late Work – Summative Work Late Summative (major papers, projects) assignments will be deducted 10% per day late.
Academic Honesty All of your work must be your own. You will receive an 0 grade for any instance of cheating. Subsequent cheating will result in disciplinary action that may lead to suspension or expulsion and/or loss of credit for the class. Please see the Academic Integrity Policy in handbook.
Materials/Supplies Your charged laptop Loose leaf notebook paper Blue or Black ink pens Pencils
We have On-Line books! We will go to Classzone.com to set up books. We will do this once we get the laptops. AND if you need/want to have a book at home because you do not have reliable internet, you may check one out to keep at home all year long.
We are excited for the year! And we are looking forward to getting to know all of you!
Please sign and date your syllabus sheet now. Take it home, have your parents read it. Review supplies needed with them. Get the signature sheet signed by your parent or guardian. Bring back signature sheets by FRIDAY for POINTS!
It’s Time For Consensograms! Please use the sticky dots or sticky note (follow instructions on posters) to give your feedback on the GREEN posters around the room. Please IGNORE the purple posters –those are for another class. When you are finished, please return to your desk and complete the EXIT slip assignment I will place on your desk. Turn in this EXIT slip as you exit the room.