The Road to Online Marketing
A Magic Voyage Begins!!!
Attack of the Googlebots!!! A Googlebot is the search bot software used by Google, which collects documents from the web to build a searchable index for the Google Search engine.
Googlebots are the new Gods
But the question is … How do we make the Googlebots work for us?
Search Engine Optimization A methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) -- including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines. SEO helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine.
There are two kinds of SEO ….
White Hat SEO vs. Black Hat SEO
White Hat SEO … Refers to the use of strategies that focus on a human audience opposed to search engines and completely follows search engine rules and policies. White hat SEO makes it look like we are not advertising to Googlebots … but we are …
White Hat SEO Usage: A website that is optimized for search engines while also focusing on relevancy of content and organic ranking is considered to be using White Hat SEO techniques. Some examples of White Hat SEO techniques include using keywords, backlinking, link building to improve link popularity and writing content for human readers. White Hat SEO is more frequently used by those who intend to make a long-term investment on their website. This is also called Ethical SEO.
Wait, I need a dentist in Las Vegas!
Okay, Mike! You should Google that!Google that
Another Example: Client: Center for Human ReproductionCenter for Human Reproduction Keyword: egg donation Fake News Article
Keyword Marketing is … The use of keyword-optimized content and keyword-specific Link Text to emphasize a site’s relevancy to those terms and increase the site’s rank for related web queries. Keyword marketing can also be done through keyword-based ad programs such as Google AdSense. Keyword marketing is an essential component of Search Engine Optimization.
Backlinking is … A hyperlink that links from a Web page, back to your own Web page or Web site. Also called an Inbound Link (IBL) these links are important in determining the popularity (or importance) of your Web site. Some search engines, including Google will consider Web sites with more backlinks more relevant in search results pages.
Link Building is … the process of exchanging links with other Web sites to increase your own site's backlinks and quality backlinks. Can be done through guest posts on websites or blogs, social media and pretty much anywhere else you can place a link …
Which leads us to: Black Hat SEO
Black Hat SEO is … The use of aggressive SEO strategies, techniques and tactics that focus only on search engines and not a human audience, and usually does not obey search engines guidelines. Some examples of black hat SEO techniques include keyword stuffing, invisible text, doorway pages, adding unrelated keywords to the page content or page swapping (changing the webpage entirely after it has been ranked by search engines).
Black Hat SEO Usage: Black hat SEO is more frequently used by those who are looking for a quick financial return on their website, rather than a long-term investment on their Web site. Black hat SEO may result in your Web site being banned from a search engine, however since the focus is usually on quick high return business models, most experts who use Black Hat SEO tactics consider being banned from search engines a somewhat irrelevant risk.
Must have customers, no matter what happens!!!
Example Black Hat SEO
Keyword Stuffing is … A way to overload keywords onto a Web page so that search engines will read the page as being relevant in a Web search. Because search engines scan Web pages for the words that are entered into the search criteria by the user, the more times a keyword appears on the Web page the more relevancy the search engine will assign to the page in the search results (this is only one way that search engines determine relevancy, however.) Search engines often penalize a site if the engine discovers keyword stuffing, as this practice is considered poor netiquette, and some search engines will even ban the offending Web pages from their search results.
Invisible Text is … Textual content which your visitors cannot see, but which is still readable by the Googlebots. The idea is to load a Web page with keywords and keyword phrases that would be unsightly to visitors but that would improve the page's rankings in the search engine results. Hidden text is identified as search spam by each of the major search engines.
Doorway Pages are … A Web page designed specifically for the purpose of gaining high placement in a search engine rankings. An SEO technique, the doorway is meant to capture the attention of the Googlebots by containing keywords and phrases that the bot will pick up on. Doorways are typically programmed with a fast meta refresh or a redirect that brings the user to another website.
Black Hat worked when Mike was the Greatest
But it doesn’t work now, sorry Mike
… Mostly because of Google updates like Penguin and Panda
SEO Reality …
To review …
Other Ways to improve your SEO Let’s look at …. THE HYDE STREET JOURNAL
Don’t forget Meta Descriptions!
And Also Social Bookmarking Basically, this means putting your link on various social sites such as Reddit, Digg, Pininterest, Stumbleupon, etc.
The Journey Has Only Begun …
The World of Online Marketing has no Boundaries and is Forever Changing
It’s true, I’ve been there myself …
Also …. Where is our Social Media Marketing?
I will make social media accounts for HSJ over the weekend
Project 1: Social Media Analysis Due before class on Tuesday Sept. 23, 2014 Send via words Pick a popular brand and analyze their use of social media … How do they use facebook, twitter, youtube, pininterest, tumblr, google+, instagram, etc. 1.What is their customer base and what is the target audience of their social media strategy? Is it the same or different? 2. Is there evidence this strategy is working or will work in the future? Provide examples. 3 How can we apply their strategy to a small business or a blog like The Hyde Street Journal? Provide examples. ***You Will Present Your Findings on Tuesday during class time!!!***