DNA Structure & Function
Perspective They knew where genes were (Morgan) They knew what chromosomes were made of Proteins & nucleic acids They didn’t know which one was the gene Better case for proteins
The DNA Structure Watson and Crick Used model exploration Rosalind Franklin X-ray crystallography Chargaff’s rule A-T; G-C
DNA Replication Life reproduces itself Genes (DNA) are inherited How does the structure of DNA make it easy to replicate itself for cell division?
DNA Replication
Genes: How they work Review the flow of information from DNA RNA protein All our traits that are expressed (physical, biological, and chemical) is produced by proteins
Genes: How they work
The Genetic Dictionary
RNA Processing
Translation How does the codon on mRNA get translated into an amino acid? Adapter molecule?
Transfer RNA (tRNA)
Mutations Knowing the genetic code help us understand inherited disorders A single genetic mutation
Mutations Any change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA Note: the DNA sequence is not shown here but the RNA and amino acid sequence is represented
Mutations Base-substitutions can sometimes lead to a beneficial change It’s these beneficial changes that can lead to better adaptations and evolution of new species
Mutations Mutations are the only source of new genetic material The diversity of life around us is due in large part to random mutations of the DNA nucleotide sequence