Protein synthesis. Why protein synthesis Proteins do almost all of the work in the cell (and organism). Six functions of proteins Control of the number.


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Presentation transcript:

Protein synthesis

Why protein synthesis Proteins do almost all of the work in the cell (and organism). Six functions of proteins Control of the number and type of proteins is critical for maintaining homeostasis. Understanding protein synthesis allows us to understand the most important homeostatic control system.

scale Nerve cells rarely undergo mitosis, but require a large number of transport proteins to be produced. You produce about 1,000,000 red blood cells per minute, each cell is stuffed full of hemoglobin proteins. Beta cells in the pancreas have to produce insulin in large amounts rapidly when food/drink is taken in.

How is it controlled? What is found on chromosomes? What do genes do? How many genes do we have? How many different types of proteins are found in your body?

Transcription elongation RNA Polymerase moves along template strand. RNA Polymerase makes RNA complementary copy of template strand of DNA. DNA rewinds pushing off RNA strand

Transcription- termination RNA Polymerase reaches terminator and falls off. DNA rewinds pushing the RNA strand completely off.

Translation initiation tRNA carrying MET joins with mRNA and small ribosome subunit at AUG Large ribosome subunit joins complex.

Translation elongation 2nd tRNA brings in next amino acid. Large ribosome subunit joins amino acids. Ribosome moves over 1 codon. 1st tRNA falls off. Next tRNA comes in.

Translation- termination When ribosome reaches stop codon, a protein called release factor binds. Release factor breaks up complex, releasing polypeptide.

RNA processing

Occurs after transcription, before the mRNA leaves the nucleus. Proteins cut out the introns and put the exons back together. Exons can be rearranged to produce different proteins from the same gene.

RNA processing How does the mRNA know where to go? ◦ Proteins add a cap to the beginning of the mRNA. ◦ Cap tells whether mRNA goes to free ribosome in cytoplasm or Rough ER How many proteins can be made from 1 mRNA strand? ◦ Proteins add a tail to the mRNA, the longer the tail, the more proteins can be made from it.


Genetic code chart