Functional Skills Instructional Plan Module 8
Create a school day that is composed of a series of linked routines. Teach the routines using your teaching techniques.
You must write out the plan because an IA will provide much of the instruction. Run the instruction yourself to be sure it works.
Develop the plan through the FACTER.
Progress data collection is not optional. Regular data collected by the IA on how the instruction is going. Periodic performance assessments conducted by you & recorded in FACTER booklet.
Step 1: Key Steps Target KEY STEPS in the routine for instruction. It is not necessary to instruct every step! Don’t forget related skills.
Step 2: routine, pre- or both? Decide the setting for your instruction... within the routine (don’t forget your matrix!) pre-routine (optional - but increases the chances your student will become independent!)
Step 3: pick strategies Decide on the instructional strategies to use to teach these steps. Appendix B in the manual has teaching suggestions for all the FACTER routines - for both pre-routine & during routine instruction. Make notes in student booklet.
Step 4: write the plan Write up your plan, including enough information for an IA to follow. Maintain plans in the student portfolio notebook. If possible, run the instruction yourself at least once to be sure the plan works. If this is not possible, plan to meet with the IA briefly after the first few sessions to adjust if needed.
The written plan should include... The specific skills (or steps in the routine) being taught Exactly what the adult should do What materials are needed What needs to be set up in advance or other special directions
Step 5: natural supports Don’t forget to enlist peers in supporting your student during steps in the routine, modeling, or prompting skills. Many kids love to do this, and your student will most likely respond better to peers than to adults! If the routine is in the classroom, include classroom teacher in your planning.
Step 6: data collection Develop a clear way for the IA to collect progress data for you to review on both pre-routine & during routine instruction. Review the data regularly and make adjustments to your instruction based on what your data says. Repeat the performance assessment of the whole routine on a regular basis & record in the FACTER book.
Functional Skills Instructional Plan 1 - Select steps to target (FACTER) 2 - Routine, Pre-routine, Both? (FACTER) 3 - Select Instructional Strategies (FACTER) 4 - Write up the plan. 5 - What natural supports can I use? 6 - Data collection (daily/weekly progress & FACTER performance assessment)