Curriculum-Embedded Performance Assessment Lauren Monowar-JonesJanuary 2014
The Ohio Performance Assessment Pilot Project
The Task Dyad Learning System
The Pilot Development of Dyads Piloting Dyads Scoring DyadsField Testing DyadsOnline Professional DevelopmentAnalysis of DataScaling Up
Lessons Learned Face-to-face professional learning is most effective. Online professional learning must include group work to be effective. 1
Lessons Learned Technology is a big challenge. Teachers and technology specialists need to embrace access for all. 2
Lessons Learned The light bulb moment When teachers score student work, teaching improves... quickly. 3
Lessons Learned Students love technology Teachers need to learn how to use technology effectively to support learning. 4
Lessons Learned Curriculum-embedded performance assessment requires best practices to be effective. Teachers need training that supports using these practices and time to be reflective. 5
Challenges Online delivery is a new challenge. Teaching without knowing all the answers. Keeping tasks and goals and rubrics aligned.
State Model Teachers create Learning Task shells at state summer institutes. Vendors finish off Learning Tasks and create Assessment Tasks. Teachers score Assessment Tasks, moderators train.
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