Assessment of Mental Health Services in Utah
Recent Health Surveys Findings 2006 Utah Health Status Survey –State average 3.1 days out of past month when mental health was poor Unemployed 7.0 days < 100% Poverty level 6.4 days < HS degree 5.5 days Income under $20K 5.4 days Uninsured 5.1 days Females, Age days Tricounty Area 3.9 days
Suicide Deaths Utah vs. US UDOH IBIS System -
Suicide Deaths by LHD UDOH IBIS System -
Provider Shortage
Initial MH query
Safety Net MH Data Overall, about 2.5% of total SN provider visits Analysis of 2,250 visits from Jan-Jun, 2006 Extracted from CHC data, which allowed for distribution of CPT Codes recorded 66% of visits provided to females – same as full set
Safety Net MH Data 63% of visit provided to people of Caucasian ethnicity; 32% to people of Hispanic/Latino background – opposite of full set 36% of visits provided to people age similar 64% of visits provided to people at 100% of Poverty Level or below -same 87% of visits provided to self-pay patients – compared to 71% in full set
Safety Net MH Data 52% of visits for episodic mood disorders –Includes depressive disorders and bipolar disorders 17% of visits for anxiety, dissociative, or somataform disorders –Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia, Panic Attack, OCD, Neurotic Depression 5.3% of visits for Adjustment Reactions –PTSD, Brief Depressive Reactions
Solution Seeking Mental Health Integration Project Other Success?? Where to go from here?