Mentor Teacher Orientation University of Maryland College Park Please write one professionalism tip Please sign in
Introductions Name Content area MCERT or UG How many years have you been a mentor?
Agenda Goals of Internship Stages of Internship Key Assessments Key Policies Mentoring
Goals of the Internship Identify & discuss with your partner: If you are a new mentor: The goal you think is most important If you had an intern previously: the goal which was most challenging for your most recent intern & one thing that helped the intern progress toward that goal
Four Stages of the Internship
Transitioning through the 4 Stages StageUndergrad Timeframe MCERT Timeframe Stage 1August to DecemberFirst quarter Stage 2Jan/early FebSecond quarter Stage 3Feb to mid-AprilThird quarter Stage 4Late April - MayFourth quarter
Stage 1 Stage 2 “I do” Mentor in lead, thinking aloud Intern assisting and learning about your thinking “We do” Mentor & intern co- planning, co-teaching & co- assessing
If you were strategically designing a gradual increase in the intern’s responsibilities & understanding of PLANNING, what order would you do these in? ____ a. have the intern examine sample lesson plans of yours from when you’ve been observed or needed to write up formal lesson plans. Think aloud about decisions you made in planning those lessons. ____ b. have the intern observe a class and write out the lesson plan as they see it unfolding. Discuss afterwards – ask them to speculate about why you designed certain aspect of the lesson in a particular way and think aloud about the decisions you had made when planning the lesson. ____ c. show the intern the lesson plan/materials as you’ve taught them previously. Ask the intern to find/create/modify a replacement for one of the instructional materials to meet a particular objective. ____ d. Give the intern a lesson plan you used last year and ask them to take a first stab at modifying it to meet the needs of a particular class period.
If you were strategically designing a gradual increase in the intern’s responsibilities & understanding of TEACHING, what order would you do these in? ____ a. you teach the lesson in 1 st period while the intern observes, you jointly debrief during 2nd period planning, the intern teaches the lesson in 3 rd period. ____ b. you teach the lesson, ask the intern to write three strategic moves you made and three questions about decisions you were making while you were teaching, discuss after class. ____ c. you lead the warm-up, the intern leads the first instructional activity while you circulate, you lead the second instructional activity while the intern circulates, the intern leads the closure. ____ d. you teach the lesson. Assign the intern to work with a particular student or small group who will need extra support during an instructional activity.
If you were strategically designing a gradual increase in the intern’s responsibilities & understanding of ASSESSMENT, what order would you do these in? ____ a. Give the intern copies of three papers you’ve graded, but without your grades/comments. Have the intern grade them, and then compare your grades/comments. ____ b. Have the intern examine two different teachers’ assessment for the same content and talk with you about the benefits and challenges of each approach. ____ c. Discuss with the intern the grading criteria and priorities for comments, pre-grade a couple of papers at different levels for the intern to review, divide the rest of the papers between you and the intern so you each grade a portion of them, have the intern write their grades and comments on post-its so you can jointly review them before they are recorded and distributed to students. ____ d. Have the intern examine a set of papers to look for trends in what students understood and didn’t understand and to identify outliers. Discuss.
Transition Planning How can your intern transition in a manner that will help them learn as much from you as possible while developing strong habits of great teaching? Think about… Multiple preps? Number of class periods? Intern’s strengths? weaknesses? See Sample Transition Plans on page 33
Goals Candidates will be able to… Key Assessments Plan Facilitate Assess Create Learning Environment Use Technology Be Professional Reflect How do we assess interns’ progress in relation to those goals?
Key Assessments Goals Candidates will be able to… Assessments Foundational Competencies: English Language Competence Interpersonal Competence Work and Task Management Analytic/Reasoning Competencies Professional Conduct Physical Abilities Professional Dispositions
Key Assessments: PBA Goals Candidates will be able to… Assessments Performance Based Assessment Planning Instruction Delivering Instruction Assessing Student Learning Classroom Learning Environment Intern/Student Interactions and Interpersonal Skills Knowledge of Content Professionalism
Using the PBA Rating Scale “… in relation to where intern should be by the end of the year” Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Very Good Outstanding
Key Assessments: edTPA Goals Candidates will be able to… Assessments What is edTPA? A pre-service assessment designed to answer the question: Is a new teacher ready for the job?
edTPA If you are interested in scoring, contact John Seelke at CPD available for participating in the training, per portfolio stipend for scoring Ideas for supporting interns & Acceptable forms of support See Handbook Pages 29-30
Key Assessments: MTTS Goals Candidates will be able to… Assessments Maryland Teacher Technology Standards 1. Information Access, Evaluation, Processing & Application 2. Communication 3. Legal, Social & Ethical Issues 4. Analyzing Student Assessment Data 5. Integrating Technology into teaching 6. Assistive Technology 7. Professional Growth
Key Policies Take a moment to read over the policies that apply to interns on pages 7 – 9 In what circumstances do you flag a concern to the PDS Coordinator?
Starting out the year Look over the Tools for Initial Conversations on pages 35 – 37 Discuss with a partner: Ones you’ve used (if applicable) Ones you think you will use
Questions & Announcements Thank you!