NICU Individual Compliance Metrics Monica Larsen RN GBMC NICU
Objectives Name 3 reasons why the implementation of a compliance metric program supports staff engagement in NICU safety Discuss how this compliance metric program can be a segway into larger quality initiatives Describe how a compliance metric program promotes staff to staff communication and support Identify skills the staff nurse learns from participation in this program Name the outcome measurements of this NICU program
About GBMC’s NICU 30 Bed Level 3 NICU Opened in 1965 Prior culture of manager having a directive style New Manager Oct with transactional style
NICUGoalStatusJulAugSepOct Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI) ZERO 1000 Hand Hygiene %93%90% Proper ID Band Placement 100% 86.0%100.0% Daily Teach-Back 75% 80.0%22.0% Discharge Education Completed before discharge date 80% 66% 20.0%33.0% Care Plans Individualized80% 72%85.0%80.0% Overall Initiation Breast Feeding Rate 75% 72% 70%65.0% Exclusive breast feeding for premature infants with weight 1250 and less 90% 52%33.0%NA0.0% 2012 GBMC NICU Compliance Metrics
Sample of an Audit Tool
Measurable NICU Practice Outcome
Performance Improvement Outcome
% Staff Involvement
What our nursing staff learned….
Peer to Peer Communication Increased
Working Together
Metric and Audit Tool Development and Support
A Sample Compliance Metric “Once a week, I will monitor that the infant’s heart rate lower limits, are set on the monitor, appropriate for the infant’s gestational age.”
Measurement and Analysis of Data
Increased Staff Nurse Satisfaction and Engagement In 2014, the Press Ganey safety survey results indicated NICU staff engagement improved significantly.
GBMC NICU Staff Nurses on Safety 95% I know the proper channels to direct questions regarding patient safety in this work setting.
Engaged Staff