Essay Writing: Structure
First Principles A good essay is usually an argument Takes a stance Should the broadcast media be completely de-regulated? International aid is completely undermined by international trade agreements. Discuss. Women’s roles in Medieval England were subservient and focussed only on the home. Discuss.
Elements of a well structured essay Clear Good use of paragraphs – key sentence Good use of evidence & references
Continuity Links between paragraphs Oppositions, chronological, thematic “However, this does not take into consideration…” “More recent analysis suggests…” “Other writers looking at the role of take the view that…” “In addition…” “There are limitations to this model…” “I will now demonstrate another perspective..”
Structure Central Idea Distinct point
Essay Structure Planning Paragraph Theme Main Supporting Evidence Linking Sentence
Structure Thematic For/ Against Two sides of the coin General to specific Specific to general Problem, Cause, Solution Advocacy
Thematic Structure 1 Introduction 2 First theme 4 Second theme 6 Third theme 3 First theme 5 Second theme 7 Third theme 8 Conclusion
Introduction 1 Support Argument 4 Counter Argument 2 Support Argument 5 Counter Argument 3 Support Argument 6 Counter Argument Conclusion
Introduction 1 Support Argument 2 Counter Argument 3 Support Argument 4 Counter Argument 5 Support Argument 6 Counter Argument Conclusion
General to Specific Introduction Examine the theory Examine the theory Introduce specific case study/ situation Examine how theory applies Examine how theory applies Examine how theory applies Conclusion
Problem, Cause & Solution 1 Introduction 2 Identify problem 3 Look at causes 4 Look at causes 5 Look at causes 6 Solutions 7 Solutions 8 Solutions Conclusion
Should we go to war with Iraq? Arguments for Humanitarian reasons Torture & murder of political opponents Abuse of sanctions Use of poison gas against own citizens Global Security Iraq sponsors Hamas suicide bombers Invaded Iran & Kuwait Possesses weapons of mass destruction Bring democracy to region Kurdistan - female judges, more schools,
Should we go to war with Iraq? Arguments against Motives? For oil Create further instability Evidence of western imperialism Create anti-western sentiment amongst religious extremists Moral right Can we ever have the right to invade another sovereign country? Why not invade other inhumane regimes?
For Against Structure Introduction Humanitarian Reasons Civilian Casualties Global Security Increased Terrorism? Restore Democracy Moral Right to invade? Conclusion
Introduction Humanitarian Reasons Civilian Casualties Global Security Increased Terrorism? Restore Democracy Moral Right to invade? Conclusion
Themed Essay 1 Introduction Moral Case For War Global Security World Community 6 Should we intervene in other non-democracies? 4 US right to Defend itself 2 Humanitarian 3 Imposed Democracy 5 Will it cause further instability? 7 What cost? 8 Conclusion
Advocacy Introduction However, rogue state Hiding WMD Links to terror Anxiety re: Civilian casualties, increased terror & morality However, rogue state Hiding WMD Links to terror Invasion of neighbours Humanitarian Conclusion
Conclusion Essay = Argument Structure ought to be way of organising argument Each paragraph must be Self-contained Clear Be linked together