Welcome to P6 Meet The Parents Session ~ Language Arts
Reading : Progression in reading comprehension skills through differentiated curriculum to meet the needs of pupils NICE programme – IN /Straits Times NICE (Newspaper is Interesting, Cool & Exciting) Read extensively, especially expository texts Build vocabulary Cultivate a habit of reading for knowledge Enhance reading and writing connection
Writing : Progression in writing skills through differentiated curriculum to meet the needs of pupils Narratives Plot development Characterisation Setting Functional Texts Supporting programmes: Writing Lessons NICE Programme Enhance reading and writing connection
Speaking and Listening : Picture Discussion and Conversation (SA1 and Prelim) A Common Theme
Reading (10m) - Clear, good pronunciation, - Expressive delivery and intonation Picture Discussion (10m) - Good explanations to support interpretation - Use of adequate and appropriate vocabulary Conversation (10m) - Confidence - Intelligent and relevant personal responses
P6 Oral Practice Training (OPT) 4 sessions held on Wed after school Beginning in Term 1 Week pm to 2.30pm Training and feedback given by our teachers Use of ICT
To prepare your child for PSLE
HOD Mrs Choo Claire Jean Tel :
Our Programmes Structured weekly problem sums (heuristics and topical based) Math Trail Use of ICT in Math Learning Support Math Olympiad training for selected high ability students identified by GE Branch Differentiated Curriculum
Rationale behind our Programmes Structured weekly problem sums Help students learn the different skills / heuristics Math Trail Experiential learning for students to apply the knowledge learnt in text book in authentic situations Use of ICT Equip students with the necessary life skills Learning Support Provide support to students who need help
Collaboration with Parents (Do) Encourage your child even if he / she has difficulty coping / understanding a problem Make Math alive (e.g. baking, shopping, etc) Play games (e.g. Snakes and Ladders, Monopoly) Praise your child even if he / she makes a minimal improvement Allow room for mistakes Break up the problem if your child finds that it is too difficult / wordy Join the school for activities that are organized for your child
Collaboration with Parents (Avoid) Telling your child you were hopeless in Math or you dislike Math Scolding your child if he / she makes a mistake or does not perform to your expectations Forcing your child to continue playing a game if he / she is bored Scolding your child for taking a long time to solve problems
Term 1Term 2Term 3 Units 1 – 4Units 5 – 7Units 8 – 11 The Syllabus (Mainstream)
Exam Format (Math) Important! Mathematical and word statements must be shown for ALL Fill In the Blank questions and problem sums.
List of Approved Calculators SHPS uses Casio fx-95sg PLUS as a classroom instructional tool You may visit the SEAB website at to check on the list of other approved calculators
Housekeeping Encourage your child to draw models Model drawing is a useful tool to help students visualize the problem, and translate words into pictorial representation. It is a better way to present the problem than using algebra, which can be challenging for younger children. A child who is able to break down the information given in a word problem and translates it into pictorial form shows clarity of thought and analytical thinking. Model drawing allows the child to see a faster and shorter solution in solving word problems. Insist on neat and legible handwriting and work Writing neatly and legibly helps students avoid careless mistakes. It also helps students from losing marks if markers interpret the writing wrongly.
P5 SA2 Performance (Areas of weakness) Fractions Fraction of a remainder Making equal parts Working backwards Before and after Whole numbers Set method Sharing the difference Patterns
Science program for P6 -Science syllabus -Highlights of some program -Assessments (CA & SA) -Science exam paper format -tips to score well in a Science exam paper -Photos of some pupils in action.
Science Syllabus P6 Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4 P6 I-Science Interactions Integrated Ecology Excursion to Sungei Buloh mangrove swamp cum Birds Hands- on workshop Interactions Forces Energy Forms of energy PSLE Revision PSLE / Past year exam papers Revision PSLE -GY prog. -Food Sc Program highlights with the following: -Thematic hands-on workstations -Fieldtrip to Sungei Buloh Mangrove swamp for an on-site Ecology lesson cum Birds Hands-on workshop on adaptations -Environmental awareness participation eg recycling program -New South Wales International Science competition
Science Assessment 2012 for P6 Exam Format for all CA, SA and Prelim paper BookletItem Type No. of questions No. of marks per question Weighting AMCQ30 Qns260% B Open ended qns 14 Qns (with sub- parts) 2, 3 or 4 marks 40 % Pupils need to read and comprehend the question very carefully in order to answer specifically to what the question asked for. Diagrams, info /data given in table must be studied thoroughly.
To score well in a Science Exam paper Section A : Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) -60 marks Try to aim for perfect score in Section A as each MCQ requires pupils to choose the best ONE option out of the four options. If you get ONE question wrong here, that will be 2 marks GONE. 5 wrong answers = 10 marks GONE !! ie your total marks < 90 mks. Section B : Open-ended questions (OE) – 40 marks Must study and analyze : diagrams / data / results of given expt. to understand the Science concepts tested in that question. Read and highlight key words in the stem question and answer ALL sub-parts within each question. Use correct and acceptable scientific terms in all your answers. Questions with “Explain” “Give reasons” “Why” require answers to be thoroughly elaborated with Science concepts / theories / related to the question asked.
Topical test Papers Topical Papers (SHPS Past Years Exams Questions) would be given termly after each topic is taught. Please ensure that your child does these with diligence Purpose: –to prepare your child for the Written Examination, –a gauge for the child/teacher/parent on how prepared your child is for upcoming exams
Eg of hands-on thematic workstations
Hands-On Tests in Term 3 (Practical Test) Results are graded in A, B or C in the report books
All parents to take note: Please DO NOT throw away all the P3, P4 and P5 Science textbooks as the topics covered in P3 - P5 levels will also be tested in PSLE at P6. The topics covered in P3-P5 will NOT be taught again in P6. Hence, pupils will need all the textbooks for their PSLE revision.