Relay DG Report (for Session #63.5 TGm Closing) IEEE Presentation Submission Template (Rev. 9) Document Number: C80216m-09_2211 Date Submitted: Source: Jerry Sydir and Rakesh Taori * Venue: Re: Session #63.5 Hawaii Meeting Base Contribution: C80216m-09_2211 Purpose: To report the Relay DG activities in Session #63.5 to TGm. Notice: This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: and. Further information is located at and.
Relay DG Report Session # – 24 Sept 2009 Jerry Sydir & Rakesh Taori Relay DG Chairs
Summary The Relay DG received –46 comments –51 contributions Handled all the comments and contributions in –Four Conf Calls conducted between Session #63 and 63.5 –3 meeting slots during this session Produced a draft (C802.16m-09_2210). –Mostly consensus text –One unresolved issue (spread across 4 sections.)
Motion to adopt the consensus text Motion 1: Adopt the un-bracketed (consensus) text in C802.16m-09_2210 in to P802.16m/D2 –Moved: –Seconded: In Favor: Opposed: Abstain: –Result:
One unresolved issue We attempted to resolve the one unresolved issue using Chicago vote: –One of the three options was eliminated. –The second round of Chicago vote resulted in a tie. Recommend that a strawpoll be conducted to determine which of the remaining two options should be considered for adoption in D2. Strawpoll –Option 2 (L3 only): –Option 3 (Allow L2 and L3): –Result:
Motion to adopt the additional text Motion 2: Adopt text in Option x of Sections – , – , – , and – in C802.16m-09_2210.doc in to P802.16m/D2 –Moved: –Seconded: In Favor: Opposed: Abstain: –Result:
Comment resolution During the Tuesday Relay DG slot, all the commenters accepted that their comments be superceded by the Relay DG Draft.