Chapter 1 midway Review What does it mean for the field of Child Development to have both scientific and applied applications? What does it mean for the field to be interdisciplinary? What is a theory? What are some “basic issues” that theories address? Preview Modern theories – Erikson – Piaget – Vygotsky – Behaviorism – Information processing – Ecological systems
Resiliency – What does it mean for a child to be resilient? – What are some characteristics of resiliency? –
Chapter 1 Quiz 1)Child development is an area of study devoted to understanding __________________ and __________________ from ____________________ through __________________. 2)Which of the following is true regarding the major domains of development? A)The domains of development are separate and distinct. B)Each period of development is made up of a new set of domains. C)The physical domain has little influence on the other domains. D)Development is divided into three broad domains: physical, cognitive, and emotional and social. 3)The stage concept assumes that change is gradual.True/False
Chapter 1 Quiz (con’t) 4)Match the description with the theory or theorist to which it applies __basic psychological conflict determinesA. ecological systems theory healthy or maladaptive outcomes at each stageB. Piaget __directly observable events –stimuli and responses–C. Vygotsky are the appropriate level of studyD. Erikson __children actively construct knowledge asE. information processing they manipulate and explore the worldF. behaviorism __views the mind as a symbol-manipulating system through which information flows __social interaction is essential for cognitive development __views the child as developing within a complex system of relationships affected by multiple levels of the environment