ActionAid schools Plenary ideas for an ActionAid workshop or assembly
ActionAid schools Speak about todays workshop or assembly for one minute
ActionAid schools Draw an image to summarise the workshop or assembly
ActionAid schools How could what you have learnt today change the world? In a small, medium or large way? On a local, national or global scale?
ActionAid schools Complete the sentences: Today I have learnt that… One thing I need to remember from todays lesson is that… The most important thing I learned today…
ActionAid schools Write down three things learnt from the workshop or assembly
ActionAid schools Write a question to ask the rest of the class to test their understanding
ActionAid schools Write down as many key words related to todays workshop or assembly as you can in 60 seconds
ActionAid schools Design a mind map to show what you have learnt in todays workshop or assembly
ActionAid schools Summarise todays topic in five sentences, then five words and then one word
ActionAid schools How can you use what you have learnt today in other subjects?
ActionAid schools Write a poem summing up what you have learnt today
ActionAid schools Choose three new words you have learnt today and write their dictionary definitions
ActionAid schools Design a poster advertising what you have learnt today
ActionAid schools Write a newspaper headline about todays lesson
ActionAid schools Write a text message/tweet explaining what you have learnt
ActionAid schools Instructions: Write down what you have learnt from the ActionAid workshop or assembly