ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 1 World Food Day 2012: KS2 ActionAid schools | September 2012 Pupils at Langobaya school, Kenya, collect their school lunch as part of ActionAids school feeding programme. PHOTO: SØREN BJERREGAARD/ACTIONAID.
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 2 Can you guess the name of this food? Thikhala Chilembwe, 14,from Malawi. PHOTO: CAMERON MCNEE/MISSIONMALAWI//ACTIONAID Margret David harvests a healthy crop from her garden in Malawi. PHOTO: ACTIONAID
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 3 Why has this maize crop dried up? Can you think of three reasons? The Yaa family's failed maize crop in Langobaya, Kenya. PHOTO: DES WILLIE/ACTIONAID
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 4 Mariam Yaa, 10, collects water and tends the familys goats in Langobaya, Kenya. PHOTO: DES WILLIE/ACTIONAID Mariam Yaa, 10, at her homestead in Langobaya, Kenya. PHOTO: DES WILLIE/ACTIONAID
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 5 What type of food do you think is in the two bowls? Karisa, Mariam and Karembo Yaa at home in Langobaya, Kenya. PHOTO: DES WILLIE/ACTIONAID
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 6
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 7 Mariams familyMuktas family Why do you think some people go hungry? Complete the first column only!
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 8 Mukta and her friends in their home village in Sunamganj district, Bangladesh. TOM PIETRASIK/ACTIONAID Muktas mother Shofikun in the community paddy fields in Sunamganj district, Bangladesh. PHOTO: NICOLAS AXELROD/ACTIONAID
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 9 What farming jobs do you think Mukta is doing? Mukta and her mother Shofikun. PHOTO: NICOLAS AXELROD/ACTIONAID Mukta in the family's vegetable garden. PHOTO: NICOLAS AXELROD/ACTIONAID Mukta and her mother Shofikun. PHOTO: NICOLAS AXELROD/ACTIONAID
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 10 Mariams familyMuktas family Why do you think some people go hungry? Complete the second column only!
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 11 Reuben plays with his village friends. PHOTO: GRAEME WILLIAMS/PANOS/ACTIONAID Reuben Chidimba with a baby goat at home in Rumphi district, Malawi. PHOTO: GRAEME WILLIAMS/PANOS/ACTIONAID
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 12 Describe what you see in this picture. Do you think it would be easy or difficult to grow food in this area? Typical landscape in Rumphi district, Malawi. PHOTO: GRAEME WILLIAMS/PANOS/ACTIONAID0
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 13 Thabu Chidimba, a smallholder farmer in the fields she shares with other local women. PHOTO: GRAEME WILLIAMS/PANOS/ACTIONAID
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 14 What links all these pictures together? Lina Gondwe helping sprouting maize plants to grow. PHOTO: GRAEME WILLIAMS/PANOS/ACTIONAID Compost heaps made by women farmers in Rumphi district, Malawi. PHOTO: GRAEME WILLIAMS/PANOS/ACTIONAID Contrast between maize grown on compost-fed soil in the background and maize grown without compost in the foreground, Rumphi district, Malawi. PHOTO: GRAEME WILLIAMS/PANOS/ACTIONAID
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 15 Thabu and other women farmers on their irrigated land in Rumphi district, Malawi. PHOTO: GRAEME WILLIAMS/PANOS/ACTIONAID
ActionAid schools | September 2012 | 16 Think about Mariam, Mukta and Reuben. What are the similarities and difference between their lives and the places where they live?