Piero Venturi, European Commission DG Research/E2 «Biotechnologies» ENFA final meeting 23th April 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Piero Venturi, European Commission DG Research/E2 «Biotechnologies» ENFA final meeting 23th April 2008

EU Policies Energy – Climate change package Forest Action Plan COM(2006) 6th Environmental Action Programme – Environmental Technology Action Plan (ETAP) Common Agriculture Policy

Policy framework for renewable energy Strategic EU Energy review – starting 2007 White Paper on renewable energies Green Paper on security of energy supply – 2000 Directive on electricity from renewable sources Biofuels Directive – 2003 Energy taxation Directive – 2003 Biomass Action Plan – 2005 Biofuels Strategy – 2006 Renewable Energy Roadmap – March 2007

Renewable Energy Roadmap  Renewable energy: a binding target of 20% share in the overall EU energy consumption by 2020  Part of integrated climate and energy policy  Biofuels: a binding minimum target of 10% of all road transport fuels by 2020  New EU legislation on the use of renewable energy in heating and cooling  National Action Plans on how to achieve the targets  Energy mix to be decided by the Member States

Common agricoltura policy – ensuring an affordable supply of biomass Starch production refunds to cereals and potatoes Specific aids for flex and hemp Sugar intended for the chemical industry Non-food crops in the obligatory set-aside scheme Aid for energy crops

Lead Markets EU innovation strategy: translating investments in research and knowledge into products and services Mandate by the High-level Group of Commissioners on Competitiveness Objective: to facilitate the creation and marketing of new innovative products and services in promising areas Emerging “Lead markets” with a prospect for high growth have been identified: – E-health – Technical textiles (clothing, equipment) – Recycling technologies, – Sustainable construction materials – Bio-based products – Renewable energy

EU actions proposed in the mid- term review of the European Strategy on Life Sciences and Biotechnology :  Promoting research and market development for a Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy  Foster competitiveness, knowledge transfer and innovation  Encourage informed societal debates on the benefits and risks of biotechnology  Ensure a sustainable contribution of modern biotechnology to agriculture  Improve the implementation of legislation

The European Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy and globalisation. Europe has strengths:  Excellent life sciences and biotechnology research base;  Strong chemical and enzyme industries;  Availability of biological resources …

Enzyme-producing companies and worldwide production shares in 2001, by country

Research on biofuels/biorefinery - in the FP7’s first calls ca. 139 Million Euro of a total of 1.1 Billion Euro

not all plant materials have the same walls Epobio (Brett and Waldron 1996, Mellerowicz 2001, Zablackis 1996) Cellulose Hemicelluloses Pectin Phenolics (Lignin) Proteins annual plant (e.g. vegetable) grass (e.g. Corn) wood (e.g. Poplar)coton fibreswitchgrass Disadvantage: Biorefining process has to be optimized for each material

Industrial Tecnology Energy Biotech, Agriculture and Food Environment Impact assessment and socio-economic aspects Land use and Ecosystems, Climate Change, Waste Management Renewable Materials Biomass, 2nd Generation Biofuels, Biorefinery Biofuels, Renewables Biofuels and biorefineries in FP7

European Biofuels TP ETP Plants for the Future ETP Global Animal Health Knowledge Based Bio-Economy Farm Animal Breeding Industrial biotechnology Platform/Platform.htm Technology Platforms in the KBBE sector

By 2030, the European Union covers one fourth of its road transport fuel needs by clean and CO2-efficient biofuels. A substantial part is provided by a competitive European industry. This significantly decreases the EU fossil fuel import dependence. Biofuels are produced using sustainable and innovative technologies, creating opportunities for biomass providers, biofuel producers and the automotive industry Biofuels vision

FP7 – Indicative breakdown (€ million)

EU Research Framework Programmes Annual Budgets between 1984 and 2013 NB: budgets in current prices. Source: Annual Report 2003, plus FP7 revised proposal

Cooperation programme – 10 thematic areas, (€ million)


Theme 2 : Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Activity 2.3. Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Biochemistry for Sustainable non-food products and processes Call: FP7-KBBE B (Workprogramme 2008, indicative topics, SCP*) Bioprocesses Fine and speciality chemicals Industrial enzymes Nanobiotechnology based biosensors Novel nanobiotech processes and products Integrated biorefineries Flax and hemp Marine biotechnology Improved biomass and plant based renewables Plant natural products Sweet sorghum Non-food crops Plant-produced vaccines Molecular farming Environmental biotechnologies Upgrading of forest products Aquatic anaerobic bioremediation * SCP: Small Collaborative Projects SICA

5. Energy Knowledge for energy policy making DG RTD & TREN Renewables for heating and cooling DG TREN Clean coal technologies DG TREN Renewable fuel production DG RTD & TREN CO 2 capture and storage for zero emission power generation DG RTD Smart energy networks DG RTD & TREN Hydrogen and fuel cells DG RTD & TREN Renewable electricity generation DG RTD & TREN Energy savings and energy efficiency (incl. CONCERTO & CIVITAS-Plus) DG TREN Horizontal programme actions DG RTD & TREN

Work Programmes updated annually Joint RTD/TREN-Energy work programme Provide detail of topics, expected impact and details of the funding scheme Contain the call ‘fiche’ – the official announcement of the call Contain information on potential future topics, as basis of further consultation One work programme/Specific Programme, with annexes on ICPC countries, eligibility and evaluation criteria, forms of the grant (and general activities) Theme 5 - Energy

FP7 – KBBE & International Cooperation Opening of all activitiesOpening of all activities to participation by Third Countries Certain topics have an important international co- operation dimension pecific International Co- operation Actions (SICA): Global challenges Bi-regional dialogues, lateral agreements, neighbours and emerging economies: topics jointly identified based on mutual interest and benefits Development countries, focus on Millenium Development GoalsSpecific International Co- operation Actions (SICA): Global challenges Bi-regional dialogues, lateral agreements, neighbours and emerging economies: topics jointly identified based on mutual interest and benefits Development countries, focus on Millenium Development Goals

Success will depend on mobilisation of all actors Technology Platforms Academia Private Sector Civil Society European Investment Bank DELIVERABLES FOR SOCIETY RESEARCHDEVELOPMENTREGULATION Parliament Commission Member States International organisations NGOs Regulatory Agencies Governments Third countries Farmers

European Strategic Energy Technology Plan SET-Plan COM(2007) 723 final, 22/11/2007 Key EU technology challenges to meet energy targets Joint strategic planning –Steering Group on Strategic Energy Technologies –European Energy Technology Summit –Open access information and knowledge management system on energy technologies Effective implementation –Six new European Industrial Initiatives –European Energy Research Alliance Resources. Communication on financing low carbon technologies International Cooperation

It is crucial for societies and industries to secure sufficient, competitively priced and stable resources Biorefining technologies are relatively new disciplines and are therefore immature. This present a bottlemneck to greater exploitation but also offer tremendous opportunities for further research and break-through innovation.

A strategic approach towards supporting the development of biobased products will need to be based on coherent, comprehensive and coodinated legislative actions in the areas of agriculture, environmental, health, trasport energy and industrial policy.

 Main lines – main sources Activity 2.3 – Biotechnologies More than 60 topic suggestions SRAs, Implementation Plans PC / MSETPs Advisory Group Headlines and themes Experts com- ments and ideas EC-US Biotech Task Force … } etc. others

Renewable Energy: current use and targets target2020 target All renewables7%12 %20% Biofuels1.4%5.75%10% Electricity15%21%No sectorial target Heating/coolin g 9%noneNo sectorial target