Get to work … No bell ringer today. Instead, get your science binders out and start labeling the dividers. Five Sections : Bell Ringers Homework Class work Lab work Returned work
List of Bell Ringers. Tuesday 8/19: List things that cause a cold, the flu, food poisoning and other sicknesses. Wednesday 8/20: Describe in two or three sentences (or more) the most sick you have ever felt. Thursday 8/21: Do you have a superstition? What is it? Friday 8/22: List some dangers you think there might be in a science lab. Monday 8/25: Do you believe dogs have emotions? Why do you think that? Tuesday 8/26: No bell ringer.
List of Homework. None yet, but there will be some starting this week. List of class work. Textbook tour (viruses & bacteria) Mystery Cube This week there will be charts and graphs
List of Lab Work. None yet. List of Returned Work. None yet. Lab safety quiz will go here.
Vocabulary. Interpretation: analyzing results and observations and try to explain them.
Vocabulary. Validity: you did a good job setting up, doing and analyzing your experiments. There were no mistakes.
Vocabulary. Replicability: when your experiment can be done by other scientists in other labs.
Vocabulary. Argumentation: the action or process of step by step reasoning in support of an idea.
Vocabulary. Peer Review: allowing others to critique your work and give opinions based on their experience.