Lego Brainwaves Design of Pediatric Health Center of the Future Team Lego Randeep Youngseon Choi Lavanavarjit
Brain~ # 1 - Universal Design Concept Universal Inpatient room – Any patient can be placed at any time for any duration and receive high level of care UDC in Pediatrics – Designing a room with the nature of patients in mind and
UDC - Ideas BED – Design of bed to fit all age groups of children from 0 – 18. Zones – Clear demarcation of the patient, family and care giver zones and equipping them sufficiently. Specialties – A room which can be used to treat either sickle cell or asthma or function as a normal ED.
Brain~~ # 2 - Patient Flow An analysis of the patient flow through the hospital and determine the optimized path and positioning of the different wards/services in the hospital This would require an analysis of the specialties and the nature of treatment they would require.
Flow Analysis A flow diagram to map the traffic for the different units and decide the optimal location of the units in the hospital. A hospital model with the floors and a floor plan defining the patient movement Patient Registration Diagnosis Outpatient InpatientCritical Care MRI YesNo
Brain~~~3 – Signage & Way finding A technological look to path finding and signage Kiosks at the entrance with 3D floor plans GPS enabled hand held tool Destination specific RFID audio Turn Right, Take Elevator, Stop
Brain~~~~4 – Future Pediatric Center A Futuristic Pediatric Emergency room where the different medical equipment TALK to each other. Bluetooth, Wireless Network, Streaming Videos, Signals An application on a mobile phone which can communicate with the ECG machine, with the bed. Integrate every need.
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