Smart Phones and Health Care Megan Roselli In my presentation, I plan to discuss the benefits of using smart phones in a medical setting. Smart phones have the potential to benefit not only patients, but health care providers. First, I plan to educate the viewers on what a smart phone is and the prevalence of smart phone users in our society. Then, I plan on discussing how smart phones can assist patients in their own health care. I plan on discussing apps such as the mayo clinic, smoking cessation, and medication reminders. Finally, I plan on discussing how smart phones can help medical providers. Smart phone allow health care providers to stay up to date on current studies. They can allow doctors to communicate with each other across the globe. Smart phones can also be useful by providing apps for digital imaging, diagnosing, and medical calculations.
What’s the Big Deal About Smart Phones? A smart phone is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone, such as the iPhone, Galaxy, Palm, and BlackBerrys. Recent studies have shown An estimated 55 percent of the world’s citizens have one, and it’s projected that there will be on average one cell phone for every person in the world by
How Can Smart Phones Help Patients? Apps such as Medication Tracker, MedsLog and Pillbox give daily reminders to take medications, supplements, and vitamins. The Mayo Clinic developed their Mayo Clinic Meditation app which allows patients to view proper usage and side effects of their medication. They also have the free Symptom Checker which allows you to check your symptoms anytime and anywhere. Apps like the Mylestone Health’s Glucose Buddy allows diabetes to calculate the impact of meals on their blood sugar. There are also many apps dedicated to managing specific conditions.
How Can Smart Phones Help Heath Care Providers? Problems: Physicians are busy which makes it easy to fall behind on the times. Patient records are scattered which makes it difficult to diagnose and treat properly Solutions: Smart Phones can be used to keep up with FDA re-calls, current diagnoses around the world, and breakthrough research Apps for patients imaging, ECG’s, lab work, and consultations allow for instant, anytime, anywhere access to patient files