Development Managers Meeting March 18, 2014
Agenda Welcome to the 2014 Season Background Check Forms New Items carried over from 2013 Basic Rules Practice Prep Game Day Prep Gear Recommendation Key Dates Practice Field Selection (Excel)
Welcome to Development Baseball The Development League’s focus is on getting players ready to play on their own. Instructional focuses on: –Learning to hit and proper swing techniques so that they are comfortable batting. –Learning to catch and throw so that they can develop basic fielding skills and make outs. We emphasize Development verses Competition We have no standings, W/L records or All Star Game
New Items for 2013, carried over for 2014 White Sox Uniforms –Strategic sponsorship of DGYB Speed Ball/6on6 for Instructional League –Faster play, more action, shorter games
Opening Game Day Preparation Opening Day – Saturday, May 3rd –DGYB Parade down Main Street, USA White Sox participation National Anthem and activities in Fishel Park immediately following the parade –Eliminated the diamond festivities –1 st Communion for STJ/SMG is that weekend Managers should assess the impact on your team
Game Day Preparation Early game home team preps the field –Screen or rake it smooth –Chalk the foul lines –Other games are free to tidy the playing surface Chalk replacement –Please contact League Directors if chalk is less than a bag, we will get one out to the box as soon as we can. Equipment Box –Try to keep it organized and clean. –Notify League Directors if things are getting low No noise makers! Practices: –Teams have weekend practice slot until we begin weekend play in May. –Teams have weekday practice slot until we begin weekday play in June.
Gear Recommendations Sliding Shorts with Cups Glove size – 9 inches or less Bat Size – 10 second rule (player must be able to hold bat straight out with one hand for 10 seconds). No big barrel bats Coaches choose game pants and sox/belt colors Kids should strongly consider their own helmets*
Inclement Weather No play if Lightning (have to stop for 20 minutes w/o lightning) No play if Sirens start! Managers responsibility to reschedule –Need to inform Director and make sure field is open (i.e. >3:00 on Saturday or Sundays). First come, first serve via . Director will inform League Cannot re-schedule practices. Can use indoor facilities at your cost.
Key Dates FIELDS: –Available as of Monday, April 7th COACHING CLINIC: –Monday, April 7th –6:00 – 7:30 pm –DG Rec Center EQUIPMENT PICK UP: –April 7 th 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm, following Coaching Clinic –5120 Belmont Unit S (The Candy Store) You will receive: –Catcher’s Gear –Throw down bases –Batting Helmets* –Practice and game balls –Batting tee UNIFORM PICK UP: - Date to be announced PICTURE DAY: - May 6 Herrick WHITE SOX OUTING: - Thursday, June 12 th - DGYB’s only fundraiser - Great night for the team and families COACHES THANK YOU NIGHT: - Date to be announced - Pick up Pictures and Team Trophies SEASON ENDS: - Last weekend in June - Equipment turn in after – date to be announced