Ruach ha kodish The Spirit which is holy.... In his lifetime Jesus would have spoken Hebrew, the language of his religion. The Hebrew word for Spirit.


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Presentation transcript:

Ruach ha kodish The Spirit which is holy...

In his lifetime Jesus would have spoken Hebrew, the language of his religion. The Hebrew word for Spirit is ‘ruach’; to say ‘Holy Spirit’, we add the Hebrew words meaning holy or sacred, ‘ha kodish’. So ‘Holy Spirit’ is said ‘ruach ha kodish’. ‘Ruach’ means wind or breath; ruach ha kodish means holy, sacred, wind or breath.

The Book of Acts says the Spirit came like two natural elements: a violent wind and tongues of fire. What do other aspects of nature tell us about the Spirit? Look at these photos and see what we learn about God’s holy, sacred, spirit. Remember: God’s spirit has no physical form…so you will have to think figuratively not literally!

God’s spirit is ……..