Chapter 19 Lesson 1 The Paraclete
Who is the Holy Spirit? The third Person of the Holy Trinity The Love between the Father and the Son The Father and the Son send the Holy Spirit He spoke through the Prophets He is equal with the Father and the Son, He shares the divine attributes, such as all merciful, all powerful, etc.
Turn to page 101 in your book. We will read to, “We Receive the Fullness of the Spirit.” Can you tell me some of the names of the Holy Spirit? Paraclete Advocate Counselor Spirit of truth Spirit of adoption Spirit of Christ Spirit of the Lord Spirit of God Spirit of glory
Paraclete This name comes from the Greek word parakletos, which means someone who helps and guides others. It is also another name for counselor or lawyer. How is the image of a lawyer related to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit speaks for us, just as a lawyer speaks for us in legal cases.
Jesus promised to send a counselor to the apostles. The Holy Spirit is our comforter, who gives us inner strength and helps keep our friendship with Jesus active and alive. The Holy Spirit helped the disciples to remember all that Jesus had taught them. The Holy Spirit gives us his gifts to help us live our Faith and share it with others – as full members of the Christian community.
Novenas The apostles gathered with Mary in an upper room in Jerusalem and prayed for nine days for the coming of the Holy Spirit. On the tenth day, Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit was fulfilled.
What kind of setting was prepared for the Holy Spirit? The apostles and Mary were praying for his coming for nine days.
When we invite guests into our own home, what do we do? Prepare a meal Clean our house Dress nicely
How can we prepare for Confirmation? How can we live as temples of the Holy Spirit?
What are the symbols of the Holy Spirit? Dove Fire Light Clouds hand of God Powerful wind water