“Christian Creativity”
In this lesson you will be studying the way that Christians have used art, liturgy and prayer to celebrate God’s creation.
Christians know that God is one but that God can be known as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is called the Trinity. Some symbols of the Trinity are shown below. God the Holy Spirit is especially associated with the environment. The Holy Spirit is linked with new life and creativity. The symbols of the dove, fire and wind are used.
Here are a selection of photographs from a Christian website. The photographer wanted to capture, on film, different views of creation, from it’s celebration to its misuse. The pictures all come from the developing world. Flood defences Brickyard pollution City scene Tobacco crop War and drought Child in the war Child in the city Sugar cane Effects of drought A small farm
Saint Francis preaches to the birds. Giotto.Saint Francis preaches to the birds. Giotto. He is the patron saint of the environment. Francis saw God’s work in all creation. Starry Night. Van Gogh.Starry Night. Van Gogh. There is so much movement in the sky. God’s creation is still happening. Ancient of Days. Blake.Ancient of Days. Blake. God creates the world from nothing and is shown holding a divider to mark out creation. The icon of Christ the Pantocrator.The icon of Christ the Pantocrator. Christ is the creator and keeper of creation but also the Son.
Your task is to design a liturgy, the theme is “Our Place in Creation”. Click here if you’re not sure what a liturgy is. Click here Use any resources (from scripture, readings, art or the resources in this lesson) and any other ideas to design your liturgy. Stick to the theme! Be prepared to explain how your liturgy will help others understand the theme.
Liturgy Liturgy means the way we worship. It can be a Mass or a prayer service, an assembly. Scripture about the theme is used. Music is often an important part of the liturgy, hymns are popular because people can join in. Recorded music can create a mood an the lyrics can get across your meaning. Also think of art, drama, video, movement, poetry, touch, smell and silence.