SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System Food Supply Chain - Food Safety and Quality Assurance Systems Seminar on Food Safety Ulaanbaatar / Mongolia 3 – 7 November 2014 Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 1
SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System What is the Food Supply Chain ? A food supply chain or food system refers to the processes that describe how food from a farm ends up on our tables. The processes include production, processing, distribution, consumption and disposal. Every step of the supply chain requires human and/or natural resources. Because a food supply chain is domino-like, when one part of the food supply chain is affected, the whole food supply chain is affected, which is often manifested through changes in price Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 2
SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System. Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 3
SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System. Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 4
SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System. Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 5
SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System A chain is only as strong as the weakest link “to temper the wind to the shorn lamb” Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 6
SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System The EU- Regulation 178/2002 sets out the general requirements of food law which include food safety requirements, responsibilities of both food and feed business operators and Member States. The Regulation establishes the principle that the primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with food law, rests with the food business operator (FBO) Food business’ is defined in the Regulation as meaning any undertaking, whether for profit or not and whether public or private, carrying out any of the activities related to any stage of production, processing and distribution of food. Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 7
SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System Safety Operators shall not place on the market unsafe food or feed Responsibility Operators are responsible for the safety of the food and feed which they produce, transport, store or sell Traceability Operators shall be able to rapidly identify any supplier or consignee Transparency Operators shall immediately inform the competent authorities if they ave a reason to believe that their food or feed is not safe Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 8
SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System Emergency Operators shall immediately withdraw food or feed from the market if they have a reason to believe that it is not safe Prevention Operators shall identify and regularly review the critical points in their processes and ensure that controls are applied at these points Co-operation Operators shall co-operate with the competent authorities in actions taken to reduce risks ◘ Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 9
SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System The most important aspect for consumers referring to food production is its safety. Due to that producers must assure food safety and health. For this reason enterprises implement systems which are helpful in a complex food production chain. Food producers are guided by those systems on how to make a safe product and by using them eliminating any possible hazards that may appear. The most common and obligatory systems are GMP/GHP rules and HACCP - System. Enterprises also implement quality assurance and management systems such as ISO Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 10
SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System. Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 11
SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System. Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 12 Developing a Food Safety Management System from scratch can be quiet demanding and most businesses usually task this responsibility to the Quality Assurance or Technical Manager. However responsibility does not rest with just one person or department. The standards have been revised to shift responsibility to management and is a key section in the ISO22000 standard. Food safety rests with all individuals in the food chain.
SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System Food Safety and Quality Assurance System (Principles) Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 13
SMMSS - Support to Modernisation of Mongolia Standardisation System Thank you very much for your attention Peter Steinbüchel - Nov FSC 14