1 Prague, March 12 th 2009 Jean Charles PICHANT – Head of Interoperability Unit The State of processing and approving TSIs.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Prague, March 12 th 2009 Jean Charles PICHANT – Head of Interoperability Unit The State of processing and approving TSIs

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure22 TSIs in force TSIs in drafting Revision of TSIs Extension of Scope of TSIs

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure3 Placing in service Member State shall authorize the placing in service of those structural subsystems constituting the rail system which are located or operated in its territory. ……….. In particular, they shall check: — the technical compatibility of these subsystems with the system into which they are being integrated, — the safe integration of these subsystems in accordance with Articles 4(3) and 6(3) of Directive 2004/49/EC.  TSI conform vehicles : Art 22 or 23  TSI conform vehicles : Art 24 or 25 EC DIR 2008/57 Art. 15

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure4 TSIs applicable for High speed systems Updates of TSIs from 2002DecisionPublicationIn force Maintenance Decision 2002/730 To be withdraw Control/Command & Signaling - CCS Decision 2008/ & (A) & (A) Infrastructure Decision 2008/ Dated Energy Decision 2008/ Dated Rolling Stock Decision 2008/ Dated Operation Decision 2008/ Dated

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure5 TSIs applicable for Conventional Rail systems DecisionPublicationIn force Telematic Applications for Freight services - TAF Regulation 62/ Rolling Stock - Noise Decision 2006/ Control/Command & Signaling - CCS Decision 2006/ Rolling Stock – Freight Wagons Decision 2006/ & & Traffic Operation & Management Decision 2006/

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure6 TSIs applicable for both conventional and high speed rail systems DecisionPublicationIn force Safety in Railway Tunnels Decision 2008/ dated Persons with reduced Mobility Decision 2008/ dated

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure7 Where to find already published TSIs N° 7Impementation of Directive 2008/57

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure88 TSIs in force TSIs in drafting Revision of TSIs Extension of Scope of TSIs

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure9 TSIs in drafting ERA received a mandate on February 2006 for drafting new TSIs related to Infrastructure, Passenger Carriages, Locomotives and traction units, Energy, Telematic Applications for Passengers on the Interoperability of Conventional rail: TSI Infrastructure and TSI Energy TSI Locomotives & traction units TSI Passenger carriages TSI Telematic applications for passengers Geographical scope trans-European conventional rail network as provided for by Decision 1692/96/EC, as amended not yet extended to the whole conventional rail network

Member States have to classify their HS and CR TEN according to Categories of Line: High-speed lines only for passenger traffic Category of Line I – New lines for speeds of at least 250 km/h Category of Line II – Upgraded lines for speeds of the order of 200 km/h Category of Line III – New or upgraded lines with special features and adapted speed Conventional rail lines for different types of traffic (4*3 Categories of Line) Type of Line IV – New core TEN line Type of Line V – Upgraded core TEN line Type of Line VI – New other TEN line Type of Line VII – Upgraded other TEN line TSI Infrastructure Prague, March 12th Interoperability of railway infrastructure

gaugeaxle load [t] line speed [km/h] train length [m] IV-PGC22, IV-FGC IV-MGC V-PGB22, V-FGB22, V-MGB22, VI-P GB22, VI-F GC VI-M GC VII-PGA VII-FGA VII-MGA Type of Line (IV) New Core TEN Line (V)Upgraded Core TEN Line (VI)New Other TEN Line (VII)Upgraded Other TEN Line Type of Traffic (P)Passenger Traffic (F)Freight Traffic (M)Mixed Traffic Performance parameters for Categories of Line for the design Categories of Line Prague, March 12th Interoperability of railway infrastructure TSI Infrastructure

The main aspects of the ENE subsystem related to interoperability are: ●Power supply systems ●Geometry of the Overhead Contact Line (OCL) and quality of current collection ●Electric consumption measuring equipmen t N° 12 Interoperability of railway infrastructurePrague, March 12th 2009 TSI Energy

Power supply systems: The choice of power supply systems belongs to MSs, taking into consideration the existing systems and connections to other railway lines: lAs a target system, the AC 25kV 50Hz – as in HS TSI – is recommended for new electrifications if there are no connected, pre-existing systems lOther systems: AC 15kV 16.7Hz, DC 3kV and also DC 1.5kV, are permitted for new, upgraded and renewed lines if they are in use in the MS or neighbouring countries. N° 13 Interoperability of railway infrastructure TSI Energy Prague, March 12th 2009

Electric consumption measuring equipment ●Use: not mandatory ●Requirements (for on-board part): draft by energy experts but set out in Rolling Stock TSI N° 14 Interoperability of railway infrastructurePrague, March 12th 2009 TSI Energy

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure15 TSI Infrastructure & TSI Energy TSI Infrastructure and TSI Energy:  Draft V3.0 by Nov 2008,  Questions to be solved regarding definition of ICs & modules  Workshop in June 2009  Vote in October 2009

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure16 TSI Locomotive & Passenger carriages TSI Locomotives & traction units and TSI Passenger carriages:  One TSI for covering both sub-systems  Consultation of SDC  Draft by June 2009  Workshop in October  Vote in December 2009

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure17 TSI Telematic Applications for Passengers TSI Telematic Applications for Passengers TAP TSI:  Draft by Nov 2009, major part of the TSIs is prepared except technical annexes  Question to be solved: drafting technical annexes and referencing some part of technical annexes of TAF  Vote in 2010

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure18 TSIs in force TSIs in drafting Revision of TSIs Extension of Scope of TSIs

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure19 Revision of TSIs ERA received a framework mandate on July 2007 for revising all TSIs : TSI Rolling stock – freight wagons:  Work started in 2007  First update voted by end of 2008, Decision C(2009)38 of 23 rd January 2009 in force by 1 st July 2009 TSI Traffic operation and management OPE TSI:  Work started in 2007, preliminary draft by mid 2009  Recommendation on update: Annex A, Annex P, Annex T, consistency with Train Driver Directive  Consultation of SDC  Opinion of RISC in October TSI Control Command & Signalling CCS TSI:  Closing open questions, draft by mid 2010

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure20 TSIs in force TSIs in drafting Revision of TSIs Extension of Scope of TSIs

Scope of the Directive This Directive sets out to establish the conditions to be met to achieve interoperability within the Community rail system in a manner compatible with the provisions of Directive 2004/49/EC…… Member States may exclude from the measures they adopt in implementation of this Directive: (a) metros, trams and other light rail systems; (b) networks that are functionally separate from the rest of the railway system and intended only for the operation of local, urban or suburban passenger services, as well as railway undertakings operating solely on these networks; (c) privately owned railway infrastructure and vehicles exclusively used on such infrastructure that exist solely for use by the owner for its own freight operations; (d) infrastructure and vehicles reserved for a strictly local, historical or touristic use. EC DIR 2008/57 Art. 1.1 Art. 1.3 Prague, March 12th 2009 N° 21Interoperability of railway infrastructure

N° 22 Prague, March 12th 2009 Scope of the TSIs The scope of the TSIs shall be progressively extended in accordance with Article 8 to the whole rail system, including track access to terminals and main port facilities serving or potentially serving more than one user, without prejudice to the derogations to the application of TSIs as listed in Article 9. EC DIR 2008/57 Art. 1.4

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure23 Extension of Scope of TSIs ERA received a framework mandate on July 2007 for studying the extension of scope of TSIs: The Agency shall analyze the feasibility of extending the geographical scope of the TSIs and provide a work programme aiming at the development of new and/or review of existing TSIs  Work started in 2008  Intermediate report  Workshop with MS and stakeholders by end of April 2009  Recommendation by June 2009

Prague, March 12th 2009Interoperability of railway infrastructure24 Thank you for your attention!