IV. Implementation system by Hardware Fig.3 Experimental system.
IV. Implementation system by Hardware Activity of Hardware The experimental system is shown in Fig.3. Firstly, the power supplies AC voltage 110V to converter; Then the AC to DC converter converts the voltage from AC signal to DC signal includes: 5V DC supplies to ICs; and also transformer which transforms to 15V DC supplies to IGBTs. DC motor driver board specialized circuits (motor drivers) have been developed to supply motors with power and to isolate the other ICs from electrical problems (12V). The encoder using the 24V DC is supplied by power supply; DC motor uses the 24V DC. The FPGA uses Altera DE2 EP2C35 which is a core component in this system and used to develop the proposed controller.
IV. Implementation system by Hardware Circuit for speed loop fuzzy controller Fig. 4 Internal circuit of the proposed FPGA-based motion control IC for DC motor drive.
IV. Implementation system by Hardware For the progress of VLSI technology, the FPGA has been widely investigated due to its programmable hard-wired feature, fast time-to-market, shorter design cycle, embedding processor, low power consumption, and higher density for implementing digital control system [5]–[9]. The FPGA provides a compromise between the special-purpose application- specific integrated circuit hardware and general-purpose processors [10]. Therefore, using an FPGA to form a compact, low-cost, and high-performance servo system for precision machine has become an important issue. However, in many research works, the FPGA is merely used to realize the hardware part of the overall control system [8], [11]. In recent years, an embedded processor intellectual property (IP) and an application IP can now be developed and downloaded into the FPGA to construct a system-on-a-programmable-chip (SoPC) environment [15]. SOPC Builder is an automated system development tool that dramatically simplifies the task of creating high-performance SOPC designs. The tool accelerates time-to-market by automating the system definition and integration phases of SOPC development. SOPC Builder is integrated within the Altera Quartus II software to give programmable logic device (PLD) designers immediate access to a revolutionary new development tool.
Alteral SOPC Builder Nios II IDE NiosII processor Fuzzy controller speed loop IP