Android Cross Build and SUSI_3.02 Environments Settings Modify the file android_env.mak to fit your Android version and source path $vim SUSI_3.02/ /android_env.mak 1.If have new version android add VER,version, ifeq,endif and source path VER40 = 4.0 ifeq ($(VER40), $(VER)) ANDROID_SRC =/home/xxxx/ics-x endif 2. If use different product name to build android also need to modify it TARGET_PRODUCT := eeepc 3. Set CROSS_TOOLCHAIN path ifeq ($(VER40), $(VER)) CROSS_TOOLCHAIN = $(ANDROID_SRC)/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/i686- android-linux endif
4. Set CROSS_COMPILE name ifeq ($(VER40), $(VER)) CROSS_COMPILE = $(CROSS_TOOLCHAIN_BIN)/i686-android-linux- endif 5. Add extra CFLAGS ifeq ($(VER40), $(VER)) CFLAGS += \ -Ulinux \ -mbionic endif 6. Set Android NDK include and library path ifeq ($(VER40), $(VER)) NDK_INC = $(ANDROID_SRC)/prebuilt/ndk/android-ndk-r6/platforms/android- 9/arch-$(ARCH)/usr/include NDK_LIB = $(ANDROID_SRC)/prebuilt/ndk/android-ndk-r6/platforms/android- 9/arch-$(ARCH)/usr/lib endif
7. Set Java SDK path to build Framework JAVA_UBUNTU=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_31
Modify the Driver make file for android $vim SUSI_3.02/ /Drivers/Make_android 1.Driver ccflags –y need to check ccflags-y += -fno-pic -mtune=generic -msse -fno-pic : solve NDK Toolchain and "Unknown symbol _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_" in kernel module for Android 4.0 and GCC mtune=generic –msse : solve warning: SSE instruction set disabled, using 387 arithmetics (Not use 387 in driver! 387 is 80bits but float is 64bits )
Modify the Libary make file for android $vim SUSI_3.02/ /Libraries/SUSI Library/Make_android 1. Add Log library use logcat in Android to debug LOCAL_LDLIBS := -L$(ANDROID_OBJ_LIB)/ -llog Modify the JNI Libary make file for android $vim SUSI_3.02/ /Libraries/ Android JNI Library /Make_android 1.Set package name if need and default is com.Advantech.SUSI PACK := com.Advantech.SUS 2.Set application name if need and default is SUSILIB PACK := SUSILIB 3. Add Log library use logcat in Android to debug LOCAL_LDLIBS += -L$(ANDROID_OBJ_LIB)/ -llog