Open source RDF framework in Java. Supports RDF Schema inferencing and querying. Supports SPARQL 1.1 query, update, federated query
Sesame Console Workbench Repository API
Commands end with ‘.’ To get overview of the available commands type: help. To get help for a specific command, type ‘help command.’
Memory – memory based RDF repository Native – on-disk data structure repository Pgsql – repository that stores data in PostgreSQL DB Mysql – repository that stores data in MySQL DB Remote – repository that serves as a proxy for a repository on Sesame Server
Stores data in main memory. Persist – whether to use data file for persistence over sessions. Sync delay – Milliseconds that store will wait until it synchronizes changes to disk.
Stores data on disk. B-Tree index on statements. Subject Predicate Object Context Default indexes: SPOC, POSC
Uses JDBC driver Max number of triple tables 1 Monolithic schema with single table 0 No limit
Serves as proxy for store on remote Sesame server. Sesame server location – URL of Sesame server. Remote repository ID – ID of repository that HTTP repository should communicate with.
Include Sesame library in project classpath.