WR115 An Introduction to College Writing Through Critical Reading: A Community of Scholars Examines Sports in Society Wednesday, July 11, 2012 Portfolio Check Implicit Bias Visual Literacy
Order of Business 10:20-10:30Reflective Freewrite & Homework Check 10:30-10:45 Implicit Association (Bias) Test and Homework Assignment 10:45-11:00Visual Literacy: “Straight Outta Compton” 11:00-11:05BREAK 11:05-11:35 Introduction to Expository Essays From Brainstorming to Linking Ideas to the Thesis 11:35-12:05Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases 12:05-12:10Homework Review
Implicit Bias BiasBias (noun): a particular tendency or inclination, especially one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice. Reflect on this definition and think of an example, preferably from your own life, in which you felt the heavy weight of someone else’s bias against you or what that person thought you stood for. Write reflectively.
Implicit (Bias) Association Test Harvard University developed an interesting “test” of how we have been shaped from the cradle on up to react to others. This test, The Implicit Association Test, has collecting data for a number of years on the web, drawing from the experience of tens or hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world.The Implicit Association Test The test only measures your momentary response to a person based upon how they look or what you perceive about them. It is NOT a measure of whether or not you treat others well or badly due to the way they look. Only you determine this! It is also NOT a measure of how you may regard people who look like you. Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that our experiences do shape how we initially react to others.
Implicit Association Test Go to Read as much as you like about Project Implicit by clicking on any of the tabs at the top of the page. Take the Skin Tone Test. Keep your results private. Write reflectively about what you think your results mean. I will not collect this assignment, nor will I read what you wrote.assignment I will merely record that you completed the assignment If you decide that you do not want to participate, ask me for an alternative way to inform yourself deeply about race.
Visual Literacy Let’s check out a simple way of visually informing ourselves about an article.visually informing ourselves
Take a Break But keep it short!
Reflective Freewrite Write silently and reflectively Now that you have produced a genuine piece of writing, your brainstorm on “Straight Outta Compton,” you know something about writing that you didn’t know before. Read and reflect on the two quotes below—one which uses humor to nail what it feels like to produce a piece of writing, and one that is a sincere reflection on what it’s really like to write : “Writing is the flip side of sex – it's good only when it's over.” Hunter S. Thompson “Writing is the hardest work in the world. I have been a bricklayer and a truck driver, and I tell you – as if you haven't been told a million times already – that writing is harder. Lonelier. And nobler and more enriching.” Harlan Ellison
Introduction to Writing Expository Essays The parts of an essay Introduction Thesis Body Topic Sentences Conclusion What an essay looks like: The Essay BlueprintThe Essay Blueprint The process of writing an essay: Graphic Overview of the Essay-Writing Process
Overview of the Essay-Writing Process
From Brainstorming to Finding & Linking Ideas to the Thesis Finding your central or main idea, which we call the thesis statement, is one that can be accomplished if you follow a system. This system needs to honor how you think and learn. We will learn how to use your research, experience in life, and what you have learned in this class about gangs, race, and ethnicity in sports to create a paper that is Controlled by a main idea (thesis) Develops the idea in an organized manner Clearly and correctly communicates the idea to others
Linking Ideas Worksheet Let’s begin your assignment in class. You can complete the worksheet at home. Due Monday, July 16 th
Take Five
Reflective Freewrite Journal Write freely about what you know and remember about prepositions and their objects in sentences. When you are finished, hook up with your writing group and come up with a composite list.
What do we already know about prepositions and their objects? What do they do? What do they look like?
Prepositions and Their Objects Prepositions are words that state how a noun or pronoun is connected to a sentence. Prepositions The word the preposition connects to the rest of the sentence is called the object of the preposition.preposition Prepositions are mostly common itty-bitty words. Check out this list. list. Prepositions are always found in groups of words called phrases. Phrases are groups of words without a subject and a verb. Example: The dog with muddy paws is sleeping on my formerly white, clean couch.
Let’s Try Out a Few Exercises Work with your group to select the correct preposition for each of these sentences You do the next five sentences for homework. Due Monday, July 5th
Homework Assigned Aplia, complete by Sunday, July 15 th, 11:45 p.m. Implicit Bias Test and Freewrite Visual Literacy Worksheet for “Straight Outta Compton” Linking Sentences Worksheet Preposition Exercises