Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 The work of a professional translator and the translation agency V1.0
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Basic chart of a Translation Project: ORDER CLIENT PROOFREADING TRANSLATION QUOTE CLIENTEDITING/DTP
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Client order Formats Word Excel Power Point PDF Paper, Fax Video tapes CD ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Paper / Non editable PDFs Conversion/Transcription into an editable file (if necessary) 2 word count systems CAT Tools (posible to check repetitions, etc.) InDesign/Quark/Pagemaker Video Images (jpg, tif,etc.) Word document / Excel / Power Point files Quote Conversions Analysis ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient QUOTE CLIENT ACCEPTANCE
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Prepare for Translation Technical problems Images Garbled characters, incorrect characters, no unicode compliance Text boxes Irregular format (returns in the middle of sentences, etc.) Tables Formulas etc. ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Prepare for Translation Tools MT (Machine Translation) CAT Tools Corpus ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Tools Machine Translation (MT) Useful when it is used to know the general content of a text It does not replace CAT tools, but can be used additionally It can be used with Word It requires a lot of postediting It requires continuous feedback. More suitable for specific documents (technical texts, structures documentation, authoring, program domains) It does not generally replace the human translator and proofreader ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Tools CAT Tools Use of translation memories Maintains the document format (in the case of Trados, the translator can see the original format while translating) Memories are created as you translate: the translator s tarts from an empty memory or uses an existing one Several translators can share the same memory More effective for certain texts (structured, repetitive) ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Tools CAT Tools – Main Features Operates at sentence level Compares source segment/target segments and applies a similarity algorithm Uses terminology databases to pre-translate and assist at word level Uses punctuation rules to determine where a sentence begins and ends (segments) Some use Word as interface (Trados) All have filters to import from non-text formats (FrameMaker, Quark, Interleaf, InDesign, Excel, PowerPoint, SGML, XML, HTML, etc). Does not analyse grammar in a sentence ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Tools Corpus Translations’ support Used to search material that can be re-used It doesn’t replace a translation tool (yet), mainly due to the interface and the way it interacts with the translator (translators are not usually willing to change much of their usual translation procedures) Operates at word level Not very user-friendly ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Translation Process What do we send to the translator? Original to be translated / editable document If a document has been converted from non-editable PDFs, images, etc., into Word/Excel, the original is also sent to the translator Translation Memory (when working with Trados) Glossaries (Sent by the client or our own. These are usually Excel files, but they can also be word or PDF files, etc.) References (previous translated documents, websites, etc.) ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Translator’s resources Dictionaries (online, paper) Internet Term bases Search engines (locally and globally) Most translators have a PC and work under a Windows environment (mostly using Office Application) ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Trados toolbar ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient Translator’s workbench
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Translator’s workbench Source Segment Translated Segment ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Tag Editor Source Segment Target Segment Tags ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 WinAlign ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 After the translation has been completed… In this phase, all jobs are proofread. Translation quality Consistency Terminology Other tasks ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Document (Client)Format (Translation)Document (Client) Word/Excel PDF filesWordUsually sent in Word InDesign, Quark, etc…Word or Tag EditorOriginal format Paper/FaxWord Word or Paper (for legal documentation) VideoWordVideo and Word ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient Formats
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 By By a HTTPS Server, used for uploading/dowloading files By ordinary mail Pick up at our premises Courier FTP server Website ClientTranslationPrepare for translationQuoteProof-readingEditing/DTPClient Delivery
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Future devolopment and needs Add grammar recognition (the main improvement) between MT and CAT Improve voice recognition in order to combine elements (keyboard, voice, other elements) during the translation process Improving alignment processes would enable the relatively safe use of a linguistic corpus in the shape of a translation memory Add word / words / sub-sentence level recognition capability
Sofia Garcia/Roberto Silva Tutorial Workshop, GrenobleDate: 31/Jan/2007 Any questions?