Welcome to Grade Teacher:
Welcome to ___ Grade I am excited about a wonderful school year. Your child will be learning many different skills this year in grade. We will be doing many different learning units, working with computers, and taking educational field trips. I am looking forward to working with all the parents so we can make this a fun and educational year for your children. Parent involvement is very important to the success of the students in this classroom.
School Mission Statement
About the Teacher Graduated from
Classroom Procedures
Classroom Rules 1. Listen Carefully 2. Follow Directions 3. Work Quietly. Do not disturb others who are working 4. Respect Others. Be kind with your words and actions. 5. Respect school and personal property 6. Work and play safely
Character Counts Elementary participates in a program entitled “Character Counts.” This program is designed to teach character traits that will help the students interact with other students and community members. Mrs. Weaver, the school counselor will be talking with the students once a month about one of the ten “Character Counts” themes.
Textbooks Used Reading: Language: Spelling: Math: Social Studies: Science:
Language/Writing Language –Complete/Incomplete sentences –Word Order in sentences –Capitalization and punctuation –Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns Writing Folders –Mini Lessons –Daily Writing –Published Class Books –Published writing (bulletin boards, student made books, etc.) –Editors Checklist –Proofreading with editing marks
Spelling Test on Friday words a week –5 words are Word Wall Words 2 dictation sentences a week Review list at end of reading units Activities: –Word finds –Unscramble –Sentences –ABC Order –Making Words –Word Wall Activities –Sparkle
Math Two homework sheets each night-Side B of lesson and Side B of math fact worksheet Students NEED to study their math facts nightly (addition and subtraction) –Students need to know their math facts by memory in order to help them with higher math skills in the intermediate grades –Students will be doing math facts daily in class and will have time test every 5 math lessons –Flashcards can be purchased at Wal-Mart, the Dollar Store, etc. –Flashcards can also be made with index cards Math Assessments will be given every 5 lessons –Tests are worth 100 points Example of different skills learned in 2 nd grade –Money –Time –Measurement –Adding and Subtracting two digits with and without regrouping
Social Studies
Special Activities
Assessments Traditional Assessments –vocabulary tests – reading comprehension tests –spelling tests –math assessments –math fact tests Non-traditional Assessments –projects –presentations –Writing –Reading Counts –learning games
Grading Scale 100%-92%A 91%-90%A- 89%-88%B+ 87%-82%B 81%-80%B- 79%-78%C+ 77%-72%C 71%-70%C- 69%-68%D+ 67%-62%D 61%-60%D- 59%-0%F
Parent Involvement Open House Class Parties Parent/Teacher Conferences Volunteering Donating school supplies to classroom Honor Roll Book Fairs Five Star Family PTA Meetings (every other month)
Contact Information
Thank You for Attending Meet the Teacher Night