There are many kinds of animals. Animals can be put into groups based upon their characteristics. Some animals do not have backbones.
Many do have backbones. They include: Amphibians Fish Reptiles Birds Mammals
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Fish
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Bird
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Fish
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Bird
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Bird
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Fish
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Reptile
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Reptile
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Bird
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Reptile
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Bird
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal
What kind of animal is it? Amphibian Fish Reptile Bird Mammal