Your Growth Plan Setting Tutee’s Goals and objectives The how To's Plus Study Skills Note Taking Lecture and Reading 101 Writing 101 and 102 Math and Science Content area Specific Skills Critical Thinking
Growth Plan for you, and your Tutee Outline your Growth Plan in S.M.A.R.T. What do you consider success for your tutee? How do you write goals that are reasonable for your students abilities? Dialog/Study Habits/Attitude
The goals setting process for tutees 1)A working relationship 2)Ground rules 3) Clear expectations 4) A timeline based on the syllabus
The How To’s + Study Skills Taking Notes Reading Writing Math Science Critical Thinking
Note taking Strategies needed by a tutee: The ability to identify and isolate the main idea clearly Lecture observation Recording practices Reviewing
Lecture/Reading Notes There are two kinds of notes to take. Review notes from lecture Research notes made during your reading
Writing Part One Practice until your handwriting until it is legible…… Organize and show your tutee how to outline….. Cover the Simple Essay (which can be expanded to fit any just about size assignment) Opening statement with three points Body = 3 paragraphs 1 for each point Conclusion = 1 paragraphs covering all 3 points There should be a total of at least 5 paragraphs Grammar rules and regulations
Writing Part two Pre-writing Brainstorming Simplifying Audience Research Base outline Research Draft Revise/Recite/Revise PROOFREADING Words to watch for
Exercise One Dealing with underprepared students and the process of reading, writing and producing a paper. Your tutee is worried that his/her paper is not well done and wants you to “see what you think”. How are you going to handle this request? List the steps you will take to successfully meet their needs. (This should not take more than 15 to 20 minutes).
Exercise Two CRLA TTH pg 153 provides you with a list of 5 things that are important to you and your tutees success (see packet for copy). Select three of the five and explain how you will accomplish these challenges.
Break Time
Math and Science 1) Study skills are virtually the same 2) SQ3R: Study, Question, Read, Review, Recite 3) Integral part is the efficiency of note taking 4) Tutee MUST have made a serious attempt to do the assignment 5) Work in study groups
Content area specific skills Four areas of interest 1) Know your content area 2) Know about the content area for tutoring needs 3) Know your content area instructors 4) Know your tutees (CRLA TTH pgs )
Critical Thinking This is without a doubt the best part of your tutoring job. It is also know as the “Aha” or “the light bulb comes on” moment. CRLA “AN INTRODUCTION TO CRIITICAL THINKING”, pg.118
Exercise Three The Art of Developing a question. Scenario: You are tutoring and having difficulty getting your tutee to concentrate on the “problem”. Explain to me in a one page essay what questions you would craft, how would you ask them, and list some of the core skills needed for CT.
Acknowledgements/Citations Knowles, 2005, The Adult Learner: The definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resources Development, Amsterdam College Reading and Learning Association Tutor Training Handbook, 2003, Lenexas (CRLA TTH). MacDonald, 2000, The Master Tutor: A Guidebook for More Effective Tutoring. MCC Student Handbook, Tutoring Handbook, Policy and Procedures all on-line at