Belly Up
Author: Stuart Gibbs Stuart Gibbs is a book writer and writes some movies too. Belly up is actually his first book ever and he writes about the world. He wrote Belly Up from his experience working at the Philadelphia Zoo. He is also working on a book called Spy School. He was born on June 11 and he lives in Las Angeles.
Setting The setting of Belly Up is in a zoo called FunJungle. There is many different kinds of rare animals their.
Main Characters Teddy Fitzroy is new to Texas and his parents are animal trainers so he helps around Funjungle. Summer McCracken is the J.J’S daughter and she helps Teddy figure out who killed Henry. This is Henry he is Funjungle’s hippo. He actually was from a circus but then moved to Funjungle.
Summary Belly Up is about a new kid named Teddy Fitzroy who is new to Texas and came from the Sahara. His mom and dad got a new job at a anew zoo named FunJungle as animal trainers. While Teddy was there one day he had heard that Henry the hippo which is FunJungle’s mascot got murdered. Now its all up to Teddy and Summer McCracken to find all the evidence they can. The truth can’t be kept in a cage!!!
Scene 1 My first favorite part of the book is when Summer texted Teddy to go to the Reptile room. Teddy was looking around in their for Summer and he found one of the cages open. The animal that was supposed to be in their was a Black Mamba. Black Mambas are the most deadliest reptiles in the world. So then, Teddy went running off to go tell someone that works in that area.
Scene 2 In the book my second favorite part was when they told Teddy not to come in the auditorium for Henry’s autopsy. He really was interested in this so he snuck in to watch it. Doc said that their were holes in the little intestine, they were from jacks that someone threw in the pen.
Scene 3 My third favorite part in the book is when Summer and Teddy went into Henry’s pen. They had to go in his poop to look for clues for what killed him and how many jacks were their. It was so gross.
Scene 4 My 4th scene is about Carnivore Canyon. It was the grand opening and FunJungle threw a big party. While it was happening their was a tiger loose, so they had to go and chase it to get it back in its pen.
Opinion It was a great book. If you like the Zoo or mysteries, this is the book for you . Please read this book because I recommend it. I think of this book as a puzzle because everything connects together in the end. I loved this book!!!
Jaden Kervern