Southern Europe Spain, Italy, and Greece
Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use. Flags and maps obtained from: © Jon Benignus
Spanish Civil War 1936 – 1939 Communists vs. Fascists Nazi Germany helped the Fascists
Francisco Franco Leader of Spanish Fascists Won the Civil War Was Dictator till
Juan Carlos & Democracy King of Spain since 1975 Restored Democracy to Spain
Madrid Bombings Spain had troops in Iraq Al-Qaeda set bombs in Madrid subway (March 2004)
BASQUE COUNTRY Stateless NationStateless Nation unique language not related to any other in Europe. The oldest language in Europe Basques are NOT ethnic Spanish or French Badakizu euskaraz? Do you speak Basque? BAIXO! Hello!
Gibraltar British Colony since 1704 Important British Military Base Spain wants it back Photo by Gerald Cutchins, USN – r.htm
Benito Mussolini Dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943 Ally of Hitler during WWII
The Mafia Based in Southern Italy Sicily used to refer to all of Southern Italy Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Silvio Berlusconi Former Prime Minister of Italy –And maybe future Prime Minster Popular Billionaire Considered a buffoon Owns most Italian media Has been Prime Minister 3 different times
Smallest Sovereign country in the world Only country that speaks Latin The Catholic Church makes the rules in The Vatican –The Vatican is a Theocracy
Athens Greece Ancient City Home of Democracy Site of the 2004 Olympic Games php?img=meg003.j pg rg/uk/games/athens/in dex_uk.asp
Greece and Cyprus Country of Cyprus divided Greek half –South Turkish half –North
Yugoslavia A couple of names you should know
Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use. Flags and maps obtained from: © Jon Benignus
Josef Broz Tito Led Yugoslavia against the Germans in WWII President till his death. Yugoslavia fell apart after he died
Slobodan Milosevic Leader of Serb nationalists President of Yugoslavia Was on trial for genocide Died in jail 01/yugoslavia_after_milosevic/
Kosovo Province of Serbia 80% of population are ethic Albanians Want independence U.N. Protectorate ry.cfm?story_id=E1_VDSRNSN