Computers: A Window of Opportunity for Children with Disabilities Computers have proved a necessary tool in helping children with disabilities
Independence A child with special needs can learn at his or her own speed They can learn & play at their own speed Adoptive aides have helped in fitting a computer to the users specific needs
Visual Help for Children For visually impaired children, computers offer programs that speak what the computer displays Braille keyboards and oversized keys aid the visually impaired making it possible for them to use computers
Cognitive Help for Children Microphones can allow children to run programs (with voice activated programs A mouse has been developed that moves when a motion is made toward the device
Hearing Help for Children Type to communicate to others Speak through a digital microphone
References Berger, Sherry “Computers Help the Disabled” March 22, 2005 BBC News “Backpack PC Helps disabled Children” March 27, 2002 by Alfred Hermedia, BBC.Com Gary Tuchman, CNN, January 5, 1996