2 NHLBI Obesity Education Initiative Two pronged strategy: High-risk strategy: targets individuals experiencing or at high risk for adverse health effects and medical complications with overweight/obesity Population-based strategy: focuses on the prevention of overweight/obesity and physical inactivity
3 OEI Web Page...
4 The Clinical Guidelines
5 The Practical Guide/ Electronic Textbook
6 The Practical Guide 10-step plan to treating overweight and obese patients in primary care 2-page tear out algorithm to assess, classify, and treat patients (ACT) Behavioral assessment of patient readiness Quick guide to selecting treatment options Reproducible patient materials including low calorie menu plans, weight goal/physical activity log, tips for choosing lower calorie foods and increasing physical activity.
7 Palm OS Devices
8 Primary Care Provider Education Kit
9 Patient Education Materials
10 Slides and CME Modules
11 Menu Planner
13 Portion Distortion: Do You Know How Food Portions Have Changed in 20 Years?
14 FRENCH FRIES 20 Years AgoToday 210 Calories 2.4 ounces How many calories are in these fries? 610 calories 6.9 ounces Calorie Difference: 400 calories *Based on 160 pound person How long will you have to walk to burn* 400 calories? How to burn* 400 calories: Walk leisurely for 1 hr 10 Minutes
15 SODA 20 Years Ago Today 85 Calories 6 ½ ounces Calorie Difference: 165 calories How many calories are in this soda? 250 calories 20 ounces *Based on 160 pound person How long would you have to garden to burn 165 calories?. How to burn* 165 calories: Garden for 35 Minutes
16 TURKEY SANDWICH 20 Years AgoToday 320 calories Calorie Difference: 500 calories How many calories are in this turkey sandwich? 820 calories *Based on 130 pound person How long would you have to bike to burn up 500 calories? How to burn 500 calories: Bike for 1 hour and 25 minutes
17 Hearts N’ Parks Collaborative Program of… –The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute –The National Recreation and Park Association –Local park and recreation agencies and community partners –American Dietetic Association (2002) –State Health Departments (2002)
18 Hearts N’ Parks Provides a unique venue for children, adults, and seniors to learn about heart healthy lifestyles. Demonstrates the impact that park and recreation depts. have on behaviors. Mobilizes community assets. Is fun and flexible.
19 A Little Bit o’ History st pilot site in 13 counties in North Carolina with the help of NC State University Arlington County, VA adopted Hearts N’Parks and launched with a big media event magnet centers in 10 states and 6 Marine Corp bases start up! Over 1,400 groups have received the Hearts N’Parks Community Mobilization Guide.
20 Magnet Center Sites NV NC SC GA MI OH IN IL MO FL AZ NM MD HI Responsibilities Include: A three year commitment to the Hearts N’ Parks program Administer the pre and post-test measures to personnel and participants Evaluate the program ’ s sustainability and growth annually Report progress annually Utilize an extranet to communicate to other sites Serve as ambassadors for other sites interested in Hearts N’ Parks Expand heart-healthy programming efforts each consecutive year
21 Community Mobilization Guide This Guide is divided into 5 Ps –PEOPLE –PROGRAMS –PUBLIC VISIBILITY –PARTNERING –PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
22 Programs In Hearts N’ Parks programs 34 – 1,232 children:7 wks 8 – 156 adolescents; 10 wks 26 – 531 adults; 12 wks For existing heart-healthy programs: –Exercise class monitor pulse –Sports camp introduce healthy snacks and non- competitive play For existing programs that are not heart-healthy: –Use health quizzes, tip sheets, brochures –Teach new health-related skill –Introduce healthy snacks
23 Activities Potential
24 DHHS & NRPA MOU Signees include: NHLBI, NRPA, ODPHP, NIDDK CDC and the PCPFS Improve public health by encouraging physical activity and healthy eating. Create community programs Remove environmental barriers
25 Future OEI Activities Healthy Weight Community Outreach Initiative – FY’04 –Create a national health education action plan on reducing overweight/ obesity and on promoting a healthy weight. –Create key messages appropriate to convey important issues on body weight to the respective target audiences. –Create community-based activities that target health care providers, patients and the public. –Explore the potential role of environmental change. Comprehensive Patient Education Materials based on Obesity Clinical Guidelines and ATP III