Chapters 9 & 10 Workplace Ethics Developing a Positive Attitude
Employers are looking for people that know more and that can fit into the organization. What do we mean by more?
Computers, graphic arts, bookkeeping, machinery use to get you anything you wanted, but now………
Thinking skills Skills in math Communications Strong personal qualities
One of an employee’s most valued qualities is cooperativeness. Is the willingness to work well with everyone else on the job to reach a common goal.
Cooperativeness includes: Listening skills Responsibility Self esteem Self management
Your first job will prove your cooperativeness. You will more than likely get the worst tasks and little responsibility.
If this happens just smile and do the best you can, then you will get noticed and will go up the ladder.
How can you be cooperative? Do tasks you don’t like without complaining or trying to avoid them.
Do your fair share of a job when working with others. Pitch in to help a co-worker who has a tough job or has fallen behind.
Volunteer to help co- workers meet a deadline or reach a goal.
To complete a task you MUST follow directions. How?
Willingness to: Follow directions Learn Initiative
Willingness to: Take on more Respon. Self-Management Loyalty
Willingness to Listen Stop whatever you are doing and listen to the directions being given.
Listen carefully, even if you think you already know the procedure. Some details might surprise you.
Take notes, if possible. Even simple directions can become murky if you or your supervisor is hurried.
Identify the goal or purpose of the task. Then try to visualize the steps leading to the goal.
If you do not understand the directions, don’t guess at what is needed. Ask questions!
Willingness to Learn Learn the system & how to work with co-workers. Be willing to learn any job. Look for opportunities for more training. Many companies will pay for it.
Initiative You may get by, just by doing what you are told. But companies want to see initiative. Do what needs to be done without being told to do it.
Willingness to take on more responsibility Accept an obligation & to be accountable for an action or situation.
What do you get out of taking on more responsibility? Your job becomes:
More interesting Gain experience A chance at a better job Prove to your employer….
Self Management Who is going to get you that job, a promotion, a raise? You have to take respon. For the work you do and the career that you want this is SM.
Loyalty How do you show loyalty at work? Don’t run down the company or supervisor in conversation.
Be positive Look for solutions Don’t point fingers When there is a crisis, pitch in and help
You may have to give some self-sacrifice, overtime, maybe some free overtime. Remember you are doing it for yourself, too.
Ethical Behavior Ethics are the principles of conduct that govern a group or society. How/Why is this important in the work place?
Honesty – Employers expect their employees to be honest. Dishonesty is at the root of most ethics problems in the workplace.
What’s the penalty for Dishonesty? Can be devastating personally. One lie can destroy your reputation
As an honest worker you will have a much better chance of being successful in your work.
Honesty about time Honesty about money Respecting Employer’s property.
Interacting with others Confidentiality – don’t tell secrets Co-workers expect this from you Is conf. Easy?
Fairness Prejudice this comes in many forms. Be careful. see page 187
Handling Unethical Practices Was it isolated? Is it ongoing? Don’t act rash Look for solutions & not revenge
What if your employer is unethical? Keep a written record Check your observations with others. Get advice from people that you trust.
Check your motives. Are you acting for the right reasons. Collect any evidence you can, such as receipts, invoices, or contracts.
Decide whether you want to remain anonymous or to speak up openly. Report only facts or observations. No exaggeration.
Mini Quiz Working well with coworkers is an example of Cooperativeness
Taking __ means seeing something that needs to be done and doing it. initiative
Being responsible for building your own career is a part of Self management
Lying to ___ is one of the most common forms of unethical behavior. Supervisors
Racist or sexist comments are an example of ____. Prejudice
Assignment Page 190 Define key terms. There are 7 of them. Answer the 5 key concepts Thinking Critically answer #1 & #2
Assignment Workbook pages Quiz
Chapter 10 Attitudes for Success Read page 194. Attitude – basic outlook on life.
What can positive thinking do for you? Thinking positively can bring you power in your life and on the job. Who will succeed Roy or Gary?
Ways positive thinking to positive results Positive thinkers get along better with others. Others feel more comfortable with positive thinkers.
Positive thinkers handler problems more effectively Positive thinking can help you reach your goals by motivating you to act.
Positive thinkers are healthier. Studies prove that pessimistic students get sick 2x’s as often as optimistic ones.
Self Esteem Recognition and regard for yourself and your abilities Overcoming doubt – outtalk your negative inner voice
How to build your self esteem? Make a list of your abilities and successes. Look at them often. Set reachable goals & work to achieve them.
Think about how you have made a difference in someone else’s life.
Enthusiasm – you may love your job and work but there will be days that get you down.
Dealing with mistakes No one is perfect! Successful people do not give up!
When ever you make a mistake be patient with yourself. You will have the opportunity to correct it.
See page 199 steps
Assertiveness This is not frowned upon in the US. Not Arrogance! Do not be overbearing & full of self- importance
Professionalism You will handle problems & criticism gracefully and maturely. Think things through before you take any action.
Accepting Criticism Constructive criticism Responding to criticism – see page 205 Defensiveness
Responding to Criticism Listen to the criticism Make sure you understand Identify a solution to the problem Take action to remedy the problem
Handling Pressure Pressure is everywhere! Deadlines, demands, co- workers, customers,
Handling Gossip The information spreads and is often untrue & hurtful. People gossip so that they can feel important.
Gossip is a bribe – it is a way of enhancing your status at someone else’s expense.
At the end gossip hurts the gossiper the most. The more you gossip the less your co-workers will confide in you.
2 questions before you gossip What is my motivation for gossiping? Could my comments damage someone else’s reputation unfairly?
Controlling anger Frustration is going to happen, but do not let it turn to anger, and boil out.
Anger Tips Count to 10 – it gives you a chance to calm down Consider what you are really angry about. Are you angry about a situation at work or with friends?
Channel your energy into problem solving. 5 steps: 1.define the problem 2. Decide on the possible solutions
3. Evaluate those solutions 4. Make a decision 5. Take action
Mini Quiz It’s how well you do your work, not your attitude, that will determine future promotions. False
Positive thinkers find it easier to achieve their goals. true
Showing how you feel is better than being enthusiastic about work you’d rather not be doing. false
Criticism of you attitude is more constructive than criticism of your behavior. false
If you are defensive, you may fail to hear the constructive part of criticism. true
Page 210 define the 9 key terms. Answer the key concepts
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