1 European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network National Guidance Forum of the Czech Republic Open Session Career Guidance Council in Lithuania Aleksandra Sokolova Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania Prague, Czech Republic 8 October 2009
2 National guidance policy development supported by EU (funding and expertise) National career guidance strategy (2003) described guidelines for change in career services: Legal framework Planning, management and co-ordination of the system Social partnership Networks of career guidance institutions Information system Funding Quality assurance Target groups and directions of career guidance activities Programmes, aids and materials Training and professional development of career guidance specialists
3 Implementation plan (2004) Priorities: Legal framework Methodology Training of the practitioners Planning and coordination Funding Monitoring/audit
4 Social partnership – one of the key principles of the National career guidance strategy Social partnership “Co-operation between State governing institutions and local authorities, social partners, employment councils, organisations providing career guidance services, community organisations and other institutions in the field …could be a significant factor influencing successful implementation of career guidance objectives.” “…it is very important to enhance co-operation of career service providers at national, regional and local levels: Lithuanian Career Guidance council, county vocational training councils, Career guidance commissions at municipality administrations…”
5 Basic features of the National career guidance strategy and Implementation plan: Based on methodology of strategic planning (SWOT analysis) Related to the lifelong learning, and social and labour market policy priorities Declared principles and priorities Decisions for the development of the system based on the existing network of institutions and division of functions/areas of responsibility Establishing of the National Guidance Council – part of the Implementation plan Shared responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Social Security and Labour (top-down model)
6 Membership (1): Ministries and subordinate institutions involved in guidance service provision Ministry of Education and Science Lithuanian Youth Technical Creativity Palace (Career Planning Centre) Ministry of Social Security and Labour (MSSL) Lithuanian Labour Market Training Authority at the MSSL Lithuanian Labour Exchange at the MSSL Department of Youth Affairs at the MSSL
7 Membership (2): Social partners: Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists Association of Lithuanian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts (ALCCIC) Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania Lithuanian Business Employers’ Confederation Educations and training institutions: Association of Colleges’ Directors Association of Vocational schools’ Directors Association of Gymnasia Association of Primary schools
8 Membership (3): Guidance practitioners: Association of Career Counselling Practitioners Users: The National Union of Student Representations of Lithuania Lithuanian Parliament of Students in General Education Council of Lithuanian Youth Organizations Association of Adults in Vocational Training Other: Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania (ALAL) Education Exchanges Support Foundation Non-Governmental Organization Information and Support Centre
9 Date of establishment: 2006 December 26 The main functions of the Council are: coordinating of the career guidance activities on national level monitoring the implementation of Career Guidance Strategy approving of the career guidance services funding plans initiating the surveys of career guidance system and developing partnership in provision of career guidance between different ministries, institutions, stakeholders and social partners in career guidance services provision
10 Funding: The Council is an advisory body, participation of it‘s members is based on public work Secretariat: Function delegated to the Lithuanian Youth Technical Creativity Palace (Career Planning Centre) Organisation: The chairman of the Council is a representative of one of the Ministries, appointed for 2 years
11 Meetings of the council: deciding on the procedures deciding on the annual agenda presenting the news (also about ELGPN activities) discussing about the key guidance documents (e.g. National Programme for Career Guidance in the Educational System (ESF 2007–2013), etc.)
12 Challenges: shared definitions and terminology (lifelong guidance vs vocational orientation) identified expectations, tasks and roles (plans and outcomes) Leadership, activities in subgroups changes in membership real influence on policy decisions funding flexibility of procedures
13 Legislation (1) The Law on Vocational Education and Training (2007) vocational orientation (encompassing vocational information and vocational counselling services) – integral part of VET system. social partners (institutions representing the interests of employers and employees) participate in implementation of the vocational orientation services
14 Legislation (2) Draft of the amendments to the Law on Education (2009) Vocational orientation described as aiming at helping the person to acquire career planning and career management skills, to choose education, qualification and occupation correspondent to individual interests, aptitudes, skills and health state. Vocational orientation encompasses the vocational information, careers education and vocational counselling. These services are provided in general education, VET and HE schools in other educational settings, career guidance centres. The order on provision of vocational orientation services is defined by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Social Security and Labour.
15 Legislation (3) Draft of the Order on provision of the vocational orientation services (2008) Functions of social partners: Participating in development of the National career guidance strategy Cooperation with guidance institutions in provision of information and counselling services: organisation of the guidance events, development of the career information and methodology Informing employers and employees about the guidance services.
16 Examples of cross-sector cooperation: Implementation of the EU funded projects: „Development and implementation of career guidance system“ ( ) Partners: Ministry of Education and Science, Lithuanian Youth Information and Technical Creativity Centre and Lithuania Labour Market Training Authority Development of the national portal on learning opportunities (AIKOS) ( )
17 Thank you for your attention! Ms Aleksandra Sokolova Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania Department of Vocational and Continuing Education Senior specialist of the Registers and Information Systems Management Division A. Volano str. 2/7, LT Vilnius, Lithuania Tel