Power Supply
Reducing Energy & Water Consumption Waterless washing machines- Sanyo’s Aqua uses Ozone to break down bacteria and dirt Waterless dishwashers- Rockpool uses liquefied CO2 to emulsify and remove greases and waste food material Recycling of used/dirty water Water-efficient aerated tap/shower heads Energy-saving light bulbs (3W LED Spotlighting) Heat and motion sensors in tandem to turn off appliances when not in use Bathroom Kitchen
Oxygen, Water & Thermoregulation Above: The thermoregulation system for keeping the building warm. Water pumped from the tanks on the upper floor and heated by electric immersion heaters, created convection currents within rooms. Double-skinned spiral staircase column used to move warm air between floors Below: System for maintaining breathability of atmosphere (extracting CO2 and providing O2) and also for obtaining energy from hydro-electrolysis
Utilities, Panic Room & Food From Plants Small sealed room in one corner of the building allocated solely for use in emergencies Emergency supplies of food, water, oxygen tanks and plants to stabilise atmosphere and potentially provide food Independent batteries that can provide energy (mainly to power the distress beacon) as a back-up for when the power from the rest of building goes down Panic Room