Biome Review
What biome is this? desert pictures/desert-picture-1.jpg
What biome is this? Tundra ossary/gloss5/biome/images/tundr a.jpg
What biome is this? Temperate or Deciduous forest ck-Forest.jpg
What biome is this? Rain forest
Levels of organization of life Cell Smallest unit that is alive 2 or more working together makes Tissue, for example, muscle tissue 2 or more types of tissue working together makes Organ, for example, your heart
2 or more organs working together makes An organ system For example circulatory system 2 or more organ systems working together makes An organism… like You, or a monkey 2 or more monkeys of the same species makes Population
Which is all of the monkeys in one area All the monkeys, all the trees, all the birds, and bees makes Community Add in the nonliving factors in an area, and you have An ecosystem Put all the ecosystems together in one area and you have Biomes
Put all the biomes together and you have Biosphere Earth Our planet
ECOLOGY Study of how living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) factors interact List 7 abiotic factors that determine if an elephant can survive in an area: Amt of light Temperature Amt of O 2 Space Amt of water pH (amt of acid) Substrate (soil and rock type)
Sometimes, our world does not match the needs of wild creatures
Niche Pronounced NEECH OR NEESH Niche: the role or job of an organism in its environment Bees have many niches, Pollinators Food for birds, make honey for other organisms Barn owl niche: eats rodents
Habitat Where an organism lives Owl habitat? Fish habitat? Deer?
Decomposer On organism that breaks down dead material into small molecules so plants can reuse the material the dead organism was made of Original recyclers Saprobes, saprophytes Write in examples: mushrooms, mold, bacteria, worms, insects
Autotroph An organism that does photosynthesis to get energy Also called a producer or a green plant
Heterotroph An organism that eats for energy Also called a consumer
Food web Better than a chain, because it shows more interactions between organisms Always starts with the producer Decomposers are there, but not shown
Create a food web Using organisms from our biome Put grass, trees and berries on the bottom of the space What eats them? Write it above, and connect with an arrow going into the belly of the eater (consumer)
Energy pyramid Shows flow of energy in an ecosystem 90% of the energy is lost as heat 10% of the energy is given to the next level (it got eaten) Source of energy is the sun Decomposers are outside the pyramid
Energy pyramid
Amount of energy available Bottom layer is 100% Write in the rest
Use the creatures from your food web to create a 4 level energy pyramid Include the amount % of energy at each level
Work on worksheet
Limiting Factors things in the environment that keeps the population from exploding Example: frogs lay eggs Why are we not flooded with frogs? Give examples:
Dead elk movie (after eruption) html html
2002- heavily pumiced slope
SUCCESSION gradual change in plants and animals over a long period of time
Primary Succession o starts with rock (no soil)….. volcano, bedrock o weather and erosion crack off pieces of rock forming _soil_ o lichens and mosses grow o called ____PIONEER___ COMMUNITY (first ones there) o leads to _SHRUBS AND SMALL BUSHES o then PINE TREES o then HARDWOOD forest… called the _CLIMAX__ COMMUNITY
Secondary Succession starts with SOIL examples: after a farmer stops PLOWING A FIELD, AFTER a tornado, abandoned parking lots or yards, lakes/ponds filling in happens faster than 1° succession