The economic competitiveness of the European Automotive Embedded Software industry: HOW CAN EUROPEAN POLICIES HELP? Brussels 28 April 2010 Dr. Panagiotis.


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Presentation transcript:

The economic competitiveness of the European Automotive Embedded Software industry: HOW CAN EUROPEAN POLICIES HELP? Brussels 28 April 2010 Dr. Panagiotis Tsarchopoulos Embedded systems DG Information Society and Media European Commission, Brussels

The automotive sector a key industrial sector for Europe direct employment of over 2 million persons indirect employment of another 10 million persons one of largest RTD investors in the EU (over €20B/year, ca.5% of its turnover)

Electronics for the automotive sector Europe is strong – we must maintain strengths Strong European ICT Research Funding: Embedded software & microelectronics in the automotive JTIS: ARTEMIS, ENIAC E-transport and infrastructure fully electric vehicle initiative

Examples of FP research projects in automotive embedded software DG INFSO has funded numerous research projects related to automotive embedded software in the past. Typical FP examples are: –CEMACS ( ) –DYSCAS ( ) –HARTES ( )

Multivariable control analysis and design techniques Implementation in the experimental vehicles Validation using a specified set of test manoeuvres Roll-over mitigation Collision avoidance by active steering CEmACS Complex Embedded Automotive Control Systems ( )

DySCAS Dynamically Self-Configuring Automotive Systems ( ) Development of a reference middleware architecture that, unlike the common static design time configurations, is able to adapt itself after its production (in driving, stand-still or in the workshop) to changing internal and external conditions. Implementations have been realized based on several different real- time operating systems, networks and processors.

HARTES Holistic Approach to Reconfigurable Real Time Embedded Systems Advanced Car Information Systems (Next generation Infotainment) The hardware in the car lab uses a variety of general purpose processors and reconfigurable processors The applications are processed through the HARTES tool chain The algorithms and synthesizers are validated and demonstrated inside the car

Project examples beyond software: next generations of hardware for automotive applications Future software applications will be driven by the availability of mixed signal systems on the chip with extended specifications, e.g. low cost/power, high frequency, voltage and temperature ranges. ATHENIS Automotive Tested High Voltage Embedded Non-volatile memory Integrated SoC Integrated technology platform that meets all of the harshest automotive reliability requirements. It enables full SoC integration of powertrain ICs for engines, starters, alternators, etc. Combination of harshest requirements include full reverse polarity capability at the low cost of CMOS, application voltages up to 120V, currents up to 10A, temperatures up to 200°C, embedded non-volatile memory (eNVM), chip-level ESD of 8kV HBM, all in combination with high logic gate densities. Innovative add-on technology modules such as reverse polarity HVCMOS and novel MEMS based NVM modules E3CAR: Nanoelectronics for an Energy Efficient Electrical Car Development of nanoelectronics technologies, devices, circuits architectures and modules for electrical cars/vehicles and demonstration of these modules in a final systems. Specification and development of power and high voltage electronics and smart miniaturized systems for power management, engine control and energy recovery systems, based on the voltage/current range of needed modules. DOTFIVE: Towards 0.5 TeraHertz Silicon/Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Technology Establish a firm position in Europe for silicon-germanium heterojunction bipolar transistors (SiGe HBTs) for millimetre wave applications. Allow microwave applications into silicon in contrast to other types of semiconductors that have been used, that are more expensive and do not allow large device integration.

The European Green Car Initiative: part of the European Economic Recovery Plan “To support innovation in manufacturing, construction and in the automobile sector, …. which face significant challenges in the transition to the green economy…” 3 Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) : - European energy efficient buildings initiative - Factories of the future initiative - European green car initiative

European Green Cars Initiative: a package of €5 billion Research on greening road transport : €1billion EIB loans in support of industrial innovation Budget: €4 billion (in addition to existing loans) Demand side measures : regulatory action by Member States and the EC on e.g. lower registration taxes, incentives for scrapping old cars, and public procurement

European Green Cars Initiative: How will research be funded? Budget: €1 billion co-financed by the EC and the private sector (PPP) Implemented as a cross programme initiative: – –€500 million EC funding from NMP, ICT, Transport, Energy, Environment FP7 themes (NMP: Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies)

Overall research areas and research needs : * energy storage * drive train * vehicle concepts and integration * grid integration and interfaces * EV integration in transport system Specific ICT areas in next 2 calls for proposals in (60m EC funding):  Energy/Power Storage Systems  Architectures for Energy, Communication and Thermal Management  Vehicle-to-Grid interface  Vehicle Stability Control for vehicles with 2, 3 or 4 electrical motors  Electric Drive and Electronic Components  Integration of the FEV in the cooperative transport infrastructure A specific ICT focus: “Fully Electric Vehicle and its infrastructure ”

We look forward to the results of this study Decarbonisation of transport is disruptive –Disruptive in terms of technologies, business models, employment Green car is de-facto a huge challenge for electronics and software Quantify the amount and importance of the software in the electric car –Market data –Players including innovative SMEs –Future projections, new value chain, new entrants Very challenging policy mix (including on R&D) to be successful in this disruption

Longer term: Policy support indicators ICT increasingly present outside the ICT sector Significant ICT research investments are done outside the ICT sector Automotive is a prime example. Need to develop policy-support indicators that capture accurately and timely this complex phenomenon Previous work between INFSO and IPTS has provided important insights that we need to develop further

Thank You!