National Policies to Establish Jobs in America By: Lucio DeLeon
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Benefit Legislation Job Creation Legislation Unemployment Benefits Act Extension x5 (2010) x3 (2009) x3 (2008) Unemployment Benefits Act Extension x5 (2010) x3 (2009) x3 (2008) American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (99ers) American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (99ers) 1 Bill VS
Proposal 1 Reduction of Work Hours (Daily & Weekly) Reduction of Work Hours (Daily & Weekly) Increase in available positions for every business. Increase in available positions for every business. Increased Family Time Increased Family Time Increased Leisure Time Increased Leisure Time Less Stress Less Stress Perks
Proposal 2 Perks Construction of more Manufacturing Sites Construction of more Manufacturing Sites Production & Sale of American made goods Production & Sale of American made goods Higher Economic “Multiplier” Higher Economic “Multiplier” More Money pumped into Market More Money pumped into Market
Hour Reduction Manufacturing Site Creation Jobs
Recovery Outlook: Slow but Achievable
References e-bed b9ebc%40sessionmgr4&vid=1&hid=25&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZz Y29wZT1zaXRl#db=a9h&AN= hand/