Glasgow Numeracy Across Learning within Deans Community High School A collaboration between Mathematics & CDT departments
Pilot project aimed to enable the mathematics and CDT departments to: work collaboratively on a numeracy across learning project, with a focus on appropriate CfE experiences and outcomes. provide more relevant and enterprising learning experiences for a small group of S3 students who would benefit from having more choices and more chances in and a more practical approach to their learning in numeracy.
Pilot project aimed to enable the students to: experience and apply their mathematics and numeracy concepts and skills in more meaningful and authentic contexts. be more motivated, more engaged and more active in their learning and to acquire more strongly key skills for learning, life and work. enhance their portfolio of achievement via qualifications in two SQA National Certificate (half) modules: o Construction Numeracy 1, module number o Construction Crafts: Carpentry & Joinery Techniques, number DM8210. use their newly acquired skills to design and produce an artefact.
Leadership and collaboration: The Headteacher and the Principal Teachers of both departments were fully committed to the concept of effective inter-departmental collaboration and to co- operating on the planning and delivery of the programme. A small group of S3 students was involved, each of whom could benefit from experiencing a more integrated and applied approach to their learning in numeracy. The students progressed through the project as a class grouping, working both independently and with others in small groups. Two SQA NC (half) modules (each requiring 20 hours of study) were used to provide a focus for course content and methodology, and to facilitate enhanced achievement. Whilst students were taught the requisite numeracy concepts and skills within the mathematics department, planned and co-ordinated timetabling enabled the students to apply their newly acquired skills within the context of joinery and carpentry. The CDT department also made more explicit reference to the numeracy skills being applied.
Construction Numeracy 1 provided a rich context for developing and applying relevant number skills This unit is designed to enable the student who is interested in, or employed within, the construction industry. It provides the student with a series of basic mathematical / numerical tools sufficient to operate effectively at craft level in construction. The student should: 1.carry out basic calculations; 2.calculate perimeters, areas and volumes of rectilinear shapes; 3.apply simple costing methods.
Numeracy and mathematical skills developed: Estimation & rounding Money - costing the resources needed to produce each component Measure Proportion and ratio Percentages Shape – rectangle, triangle and circle Perimeter and area. measuring up a joint
MNU 3-08a I can show how quantities that are related can be increased or decreased proportionally and apply this to solve problems in everyday contexts MNU 3-11a I can solve practical problems by applying my knowledge of measure, choosing the appropriate units and degree of accuracy for the task and using a formula to calculate area or volume when required. A number of Experiences and Outcomes the pupils engaged with were at Third Level as progression to Construction Numeracy 2 would involve Fourth Level Es & Os. MNU 3-09a When considering how to spend my money, I can source, compare and contrast different contracts and services, discuss their advantages and disadvantages, and explain which offer best value to me. Engaging with appropriate CfE numeracy Es & Os : MNU 3-07a I can solve problems by carrying out calculations with a wide range of fractions, decimal fractions and percentages, using my answers to make comparisons and informed choices for real-life situations.
and appropriate mathematics Es & Os: MTH 3-11b Having investigated different routes to a solution, I can find the area of compound 2D shapes and the volume of compound 3D objects, applying my knowledge to solve practical problems. MTH 4-11b Through investigating real-life problems involving the surface area of simple 3D shapes, I can explore ways to make the most efficient use of materials and carry out the necessary calculations to solve related problems. MTH 4-16b Having investigated the relationships between the radius, diameter, circumference and area of a circle, I can apply my knowledge to solve related problems. A number of Experiences and Outcomes the pupils engaged with were at Third Level as progression to Construction Numeracy 2 would involve Fourth Level Es & Os.
Construction Crafts: Carpentry and Joinery Techniques provided a vehicle for applying key numeracy skills and for developing important craft skills and techniques 1200 mm end elevation Housing joint detail 10mm deep
OUTCOME 1 Select, use and maintain basic carpentry and joinery tools and equipment. OUTCOME 2 Erect a prefabricated timber assembly. OUTCOME 3 Replace a designated timber panel. Construction Crafts: Carpentry and Joinery Techniques
Carpentry and joinery skills and techniques: Selecting and using appropriate tools Cutting and fitting Placing and securing Framing and jointing Testing e.g. a plumb line Servicing and storing tools Health & safety. sawed off
and, of course, relevant Technologies Es & Os: SOC 3-20a When participating in an enterprise activity, I can explore ethical issues relating to business practice and gain an understanding of how businesses help to satisfy needs. TCH 3-07a When participating in a collaborative enterprise activity, I can develop administrative and entrepreneurial skills which contribute to the success of the activity. TCH 3-10a I can practise and apply a range of preparation techniques and processes to make a variety of items showing imagination and creativity, and recognising the need to conserve resources. TCH 3-13a I have gained confidence and dexterity in the use of materials, tools, equipment, software or control technology and can apply specialist skills to make quality products.
were being framed! Concepts and skills developed:
The following were provided and/or developed: Timetabling of staff and use of materials, to facilitate effective planning and delivery of the programme. Learning materials to support implementation of the CfE Es and Os and the two selected SQA units. Practical materials to support the design and preparation of a final product i.e. a dog kennel. Other artefacts were considered e.g. a Wendy House, which could have been provided to the nearby Early Years establishment, or a small bench seat for presentation to the local community. Assessment and evaluation materials to inform learning and progression and to support development of a portfolio of achievement. NB The two SQA units undertaken were available at the time of project development and, to ensure sustainability, centres should confirm that units of interest would continue to be available.
Construction Numeracy 1: assessment L01 CARRY OUT BASIC CALCULATIONS PC The student: (a) adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides using integers; (b) adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides using decimal fractions; (c) calculates common vulgar fractions. L02 CALCULATE PERIMETERS, AREAS AND VOLUMES OF RECTILINEAR SHAPES PC The student: (a) calculates perimeters using appropriate units; (b) calculates areas using appropriate units; (c) calculates volumes using appropriate units. L03 APPLY SIMPLE COSTING METHODS PC The student: (a) obtains relevant information; (b) carries out appropriate calculations to obtain satisfactory results; (c) communicates the results.
OUTCOME 1 Select, use and maintain basic carpentry and joinery tools and equipment. Performance Criteria (a)The selection of tools and equipment is appropriate for the work to be done. (b)The tools are used correctly and solely for the purpose for which they were intended. (c)The tools are serviced, maintained, cleaned and stored in accordance with good practice. Carpentry and Joinery Techniques: assessment
The Finished Article
The students interacted very well and quickly became a cohesive and helpful group. It was noted that students became less insular and more inclined to finish their assigned task and then offer help to their colleagues. They welcomed this more integrated approach to their learning and were more motivated by and productively engaged with it. They enhanced their skills by: o communicating and working with others o solving real problems in non-routine contexts o developing craft skills and applying mathematics skills in practical situations. The students enhanced their portfolio of achievement in terms of two relevant NQ units and they expanded their options in relation to both progression in learning and potential employability. Impact on students:
Consolidate this programme within curriculum provision in S3. Progression into appropriate SQA units in S4 e.g. Construction Numeracy 2 can also be considered. Enhance opportunities to incorporate enterprising approaches into the programme. Engage other curricular areas to enhance learning experiences e.g. Literacy (reading instructions, active listening), Expressive Arts (artefact design) and / or Science (use of materials in producing artefact). Explore further opportunities to develop numeracy across learning collaborations e.g. Laboratory Numeracy, Business Numeracy. What next?