Cobb Virtual Library Online Resources Key features of the most frequently used databases Overview for In-Service Module #1
CultureGrams Cultural and geographical information on countries and territories Coverage of all 50 U.S. states Maps, statistics, famous people, photos and recipes
GALILEO Databases Literary Reference Center EBSCO Host Compton’s by Britannica SIRS Discoverer SIRS Researcher Digital Library of Georgia New Georgia Encyclopedia
GALILEO Databases Password for home access changes quarterly Virtual collection of digitized books, images, manuscripts and media, with an emphasis on material important to the history and culture of the State of Georgia Access to more than 100 databases indexing thousands of periodicals Links to Georgia state agencies and public libraries
Grolier Online Resources Three general encyclopedias – Encyclopedia Americana, Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia and the New Book of Knowledge Two specialized encyclopedias – The New Book of Popular Science and Lands and Peoples Dictionary and thesaurus Each source links to periodical articles and WWW resources “Features” link provided for each source
World Book Online Student Discover Inventions and Discoveries Living Green Early Peoples
World Book Online Reliable, authoritative, easy-to-understand information Contains all articles from current 22-volume print set, plus an additional 3700 essays Links to articles from more than 260 U.S. and international magazines and newspapers Links to over 15,000 recommended WWW resources Pictures, maps, animations, videos and sounds
Gale Resources Student Resource Center: Junior Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center Science Resource Center
Gale Resources Student Resource Center: Junior: Comprehensive keyword search for database information covering curriculum areas of history, literature, science and social studies Includes full-text periodicals and newspapers, primary documents, creative works, video and audio clips
Gale Resources Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center: Information on today’s social issues Full-text viewpoint articles and topic overviews Includes primary source documents, statistics, and links to Websites Essays which can be printed or ed from within the database
Gale Resources Science Resource Center: Offers in-depth topic overviews from all science disciplines Includes over 14,000 pictures, illustrations, audio and video clips Links to more than 500 Web sites relevant to the curriculum
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